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Issue 4希望多指出些思路或者逻辑问题,有没有gap

发表于 2013-6-4 08:41:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Scandals areuseful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker orreformer ever could.
Write a responsein which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim.In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the mostcompelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge yourposition.
Outline: Disagree.
1.Scandalssometimes do help our society with some intentional hidden problems. The milkpowder incident in China. writers plagiarize other's work such as GuoJingming.Wikileaks
2.但是很多scandals是子虚乌有的,甚至一些人借此炒作,混淆大众视听。有些scandals对当事人进行人身攻击. 激起了大众的窥探别人隐私的心理,fuel人性中丑陋的一面。
3.一些丑闻会带来不好的影响。叛逆期的青少年们争相模仿。社会问题不能依靠scandals解决,cogent society can't live on scandals
Coincident withthe various forms of media loom around us drastically is the considerable boostin the entertainment field. If the former sparks the scandal then it is fueledby the latter. You could hear someone talking about the stars, politicians andpublic figures, it seems like our world are submerged by a spate of scandals.To this extent, some people cite that scandals are useful because they canreveal many concealed facts in its special ways. Admittedly I support the stancethat scandals might perform well in some aspects, however, the benefits ofscandals might not be so significant.

Scandalsunquestioned work on some incidents heretofore and uncover many things intentionalhidden by some institutions or organizations. The notorious milk powder eventin China, benefiting by scandals, provides an admissible and adequate proof. Inaddition, many institutions are hammering at this kind stuff. The Wikileaks,known that released the most classified documents in the last few years, is arepresentative pattern who, to some degree, has changed the world. One actualexample was a story leaked several years ago in Kenya, the Kroll Report. Priorto 2004, Kenya was ruled by Daniel arap Moi, a soft dictator, for about 18years. And the new government commissioned this report was trying to clean upcorruption in Kenya. It follows that the government used it for politicianleverage on Moi. Consequently, this report, a politician's scandal, virtuallyshifted the vote which changed the result of the election. In this case, thescandals really substantially change the world.

Though scandalsmay play a decisive role on some incidents, many people seem to fail to takeinto account the fact that most scandals are forgeries. They are just redherrings that attract our attention on some specific but meaningless eventswhich were merely prevalent for a short time usually longer than a month. Alongwith the eye-catching trend, we can observe that many movies, swans and other publicfigures use this method to acquire attention. Whereas public focus more time onthese time-waste things results in leaving the things that matter alone.  Moreover, peeping at other people's privatelife is a potential negative but pervasive psychology that. Even though wecould conquer it fundamentally, it is the obligation of the mainstream media tochannel or minish it rather than to stimulate it. What's worse, the forgedscandal affects the people who are directly involved in it of greatsignificance. Not only do the scandals benefit the society but tend toundermine it.

To a furtherdegree, some scandals bring harm to us. There are many stars who are conceited,ill-mannered, presumptuous or fatuous, but they are public figures that havefar-reaching effects on various people. Hence, many teenagers whose minds arenot mature enough to judge these kind things and finally they imitate these badbehaviors.

To sum up, eventhough scandals indeed bring some optimistic effects on our society in solvingsocial problems affairs, we are not supposed to tackle issues rest on scandals.On one hand, they may helpful; on the other hand, they actually arouse badeffects.

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发表于 2013-6-4 10:16:32 | 只看该作者

题目是:Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could.

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