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ISSUE2 求拍,和第一篇argument一样,憋......

发表于 2013-5-26 00:56:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
题目:To understand the mostimportant characteristics of a society, one must study its major cities.
要求:Writea response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree withthe statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. Indeveloping and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which thestatement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerationsshape your position.

In this statement, the author implies thatthe most important characteristics of a society are included in its majorcities. I strongly disagree with this perspective. Although the major citiesplay an important role of a nation's constitution, sharing a similar patternwith each other all over the world has deprived their initial characteristicsand quite often they cannot represent the real condition of a society.
Major cities, converged with economy,politics and culture of a County, can reflect a nation's features to a certainextent. No one can deny that America is a potent, wealthy County, after   realizingthe prosperity of the New York City, and France is derivation of fashion whenyou appreciate the frequent modern shows in Paris. However, Can you boast thatyou know about American of France merely based on a visit to the New York orParis? So only familiar with the major city is insufficient to understand thesociety as a whole.
Moreover, with the rapid development ofglobalization and economy, major cities in different Countries do share a goodmany of similar features. The same skyscrapers, prosperous Plazas, and theatreshave made those modern cities more and more uniform. A good example is that oneof my classmate in University, who went to New York from ShangHai and immediatelygot used to the tempo there, contributes the adaptation to the similaritiesbetween the two cities. In another word, the characteristics of metropolis maynot reflect a nation’s culture, custom and history explicitly.
However, the rural areas or the small sizedcities, in contrast, have preserved most of their indigenous features. Theseareas trapped in an occlusive environment and thus avoid the impact comes fromexternal world, and protect the local characteristics ironically. For example,in China, although several cities, such as BeiJing, ShangHai and ShenZhen,could now be in a list of competitive cities in the world, most of the northand west rural areas still suffer from poverty, and the most important is that thesedestitute conditions indeed reflect the real substance of China. So, perhaps we can conclude that, while the major cities only reflect the superficialphenomenon, the rural areas represent the authentic features of a society.
Insum, to understand the most important characteristics, it would be better topay much more attention to the rural areas than the major cities, which may coverthe accurate features by their uniform and brilliant appearances.
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发表于 2013-5-26 11:25:23 | 只看该作者
characteristics of a society 的意思不是传统,这是会随时代变化的东西。
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