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发表于 2013-5-22 00:41:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
题目:Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

已经写了不少篇作文了,但是一直没找到清晰逻辑表达,特别是有些地方即使想出了论证方法,又会因为单词不会卡克, 具体的单词,看见了倒是认识,但是写的时候就是想不起来,求指点迷津啊,。

Will the well-being of a society enhanced when many of its people question authority? It may be true sometimes, but such hasty conclusion fails in ignorance of several factors.
It is true that critics from people would prevent government and rulers from depravation thus avoid passage of  inappropriate laws. After all, there are may governmental offical serve for their own interests rather than that of the whole nation. Even, without constrict of power, government tend to be autocracy. As is known to all, Nazi led the disaster of Word War II because of lack of confine and supervision. Although people were mania that time in Germany, such a disaster would have been circumvented if people had questioned the authority of Hitler. Government is like a organism of body, without supervisons from immune system, healthy cells would degenerate into cancers. Thus, well-being of societies necessiate critics and supervison from people.

However, this claim based on presumptions that people who question authority are morally positive themselves. But because the diversity of characteristic of people, it is difficult to distinguished positive critics aimed to enhance well-being of society from those negative ones serving for their own depraved aims or faith. Thus, the assertion of the speaker is open to doubt. For instance, anachiest tend to treat every rules with inimical blames only for their own faith rather than the well-being of whole society. Without agreement on authority, people loose their criteria and moral ethics when evaluat issues which leads to turbulence of society and even schism of ideology.  

Further, since strength comes from unites, the more blames  comes from people, the less united they would be. Thus a country is likely to be vulnerable to enemies, let alone the well-being of the whole society. As for uni-ethnic nations, complainment towards authorities causes turmoil among different stratums. However, disagreement toward federal governments in multi-ethnic countries leads to conflicts among diferent races like the Civil War of America.

In my opinion, the well-being of society comes from a united states which allows critics toward governers. Authorities are like brains, wihch direct the functioning of other parts of body. Although imprudent decisions from the brain cause problems of body, cooperation of arms, legs and other parts of body is the precondtion of daily activities. However, before instructions are sent, brains should take into consideration the capacity of arms and legs, which are analogous to the opinions of people in society.

In sum, it is not to deny that people's questioning authority are salutary, but we should concentrate more on the development of country as a united goup consists of everyone's well-being.

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发表于 2013-5-22 12:19:00 | 只看该作者
我觉得GRE写作最好不要出现in my opinion 这样的一段。逻辑写作要避免主观。个人意见。
 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-23 01:04:07 | 只看该作者
普渡哥 发表于 2013-5-22 12:19
我觉得GRE写作最好不要出现in my opinion 这样的一段。逻辑写作要避免主观。个人意见。 ...

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