The Scandinavian assault on Western Europe culminated in the early eleventh century with the Danish conquest of the English kingdom, which other Scandinavian kings attempted to repeat, unsuccessfully later in the same century.
The Scandinavian assault on Western Europe culminated in the early eleventh century with the Danish conquest of the English kingdom, which other Scandinavian kings attempted to repeat, unsuccessfully later in the same century.
A. which other Scandinavian kings attempted to repeat, unsuccessfully, later in the same century
B. which other Scandinavian kings attempted to repeat later that same century, but not successfully
C. an achievement that other Scandinavian kings attempted later in the century to repeat, but were not successful at it
D. an achievement attempted later in the century by other Scandinavian kings that was not successful
E. an achievement that other Scandinavian kings attempted to repeat later in the century, but without success
答案选E,但是But作为连词后面能没有谓语吗?官方解释上说 "but without success”这一部分成为了修饰前面一句话的状语,实在是困惑了,but还能这么用?求解释!!!
Consider this way:
"But" is a conjunction here adding two clauses:
1. Other Scandinavian kings attempted to repeat later in the century.
2. They (Other Scandinavian kings) attempted without success.
It is allowed to omit the repeated parts from the second element of a parallel structure if the meaning is not obscured. The parallelism structure is as follows:
Other Scandinavian kings attempted to repeat later in the century, but they (Other Scandinavian kings) attempted省略掉了 without success.
Option E, unlike option C, introduces a phrase, not a clause. A phrase does not require a subject since there is no verb within a phrase.
Option C: ,but were not successful at it. The comma before "but" should not have been there.
1. I play, but I do not study. Correct (comma + conjunction joins two clauses)
2. I play but do not study. Correct (without comma, there is no need of a second clause - two verbs play and study are joined.)
3. I play, but do not study. Wrong. ( comma + but requires a second clause).
The error in the 3rd sentence above is exactly the same as that in option C.
In option E there is no verb within ", but without success". The question whether two verbs are joined or two clauses are joined does not arise at all. It is alright to add a contrasting prepositional phrase with a comma.