18) The well-being of a society is enhanced when many of its people question authority.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.
Questioningauthority always happens everywhere in many forms, such as striking, demonstrations,assemblies. But could the well-being of a society be enhanced if many of itspeople question authority as the statement claims? Although, to some extent,question authority could help improve the living condition in some situations,in my point of view, it won’t have the expected consequence as the author hopesunder many other situations. Admittedly,questioning authority could enhance the prosperity of the society under twopersonalities of the society. Firstly, people are aware of their responsibilityand willing to build a better society together. Under this condition, complainsand even suggestions to authority by many people could totally reveal theirwell-intentions and hopes of building a prosperous society. If people don'tlove their living city or country, they won't even spend time questioningauthority, since we all know without love, hate won't exist. Secondly,authority are required to be justifiable for people to question and criticizewithout worry about being punished, which means officials there are open enoughto take advice. And if all authority there has this attitude to deal with thesocial problem, the prosperity of society will occur sooner or later.Dictatorship never succeeded in the past. We know that in Europe, many countrieswent through despotism, and without listening to public, all dictators didn'thave a good ending under rebellion of their public. On the contrary, in Chinesehistory, Chairman Mao, who combined the power of public and listened to theiropinion, had finally defeated Japanese. However,as the statement concedes, questions are from many people. But the word"many" is too subjective. And how many people can we really define toconcord with "many"? We assumed that in author's opinion, “10” means"many". But in China, the population is nearly 1.4 billion, whichmakes 10 seem too little to be considered. And in this condition, 10 people'scomplain, even it is true and could effectively improve people's well-being,will never make sense since they are too small and maybe there are other 1000people who think the first 10 people' complain is totally insane, which makesthe 10 people's voice ever harder to be heard. And in a conclusion, the well-beingof the society won't be enhanced if "many" only have little influenceon the whole society. Moreover,even we consider that "many" means "over 50 percents", toomany complains will never have a beneficial effect if there is an obvious deficiencyof the mechanism of the whole society. For example, because of the deficiency, theremight be severe problems the authority doesn't efficiently and effectivelysolve, which makes their people angry and disappointed and continue toquestion. And besides, too many complains would certainly cause panic and willlead to retrogress of the economy. If life insurance is not guaranteed, whowill work for an uncertain future? Apparently in this situation, people'swell-being is not enhanced. Tosum up, although question authority is good under conditions of citizen's high responsibilityfor society and the authority's justice and effectiveness, it won't be expectedto enhance people's well-being if complains have little influence or severedeficiency exists.
(words:525; mins: 50)