1. The recent increases in health insurance premiums are unnecessary and excessive. While the inflation rate is and has been stable at 5 percent for the past five years, during the same period the average cost of health insurance has increased annually by 10 to 20 percent. Recent studies show that the population is healthier now than ever before, and thus indicate that the insurance companies' claims of higher health-care costs are unfounded and merely reflect the quest for higher profits.
Which one of the following statements, if true undermines the conclusion in the passage? (A) The incidence of lung cancer among men who smoke has decreased in recent years. (B) Improvements in health have occurred because of a dramatic increase in the use of expensive medical equipment, tests, and drugs. (C) Increased health insurance premiums will force some people to drop their medical coverage, thus adversely affecting their future health. (D) Health insurance currently covers fewer health problems than it did in the past (E) Though there are fewer health insurance companies today, their earnings are higher than they have ever been.
答案b。我选c。我不明白药价上涨关保险什么事情? 为什么b对?我想c说引起未来健康下降趋势,所以保险还是要涨吗。是不是? ![](/static/legacy-emoticon/Dvbbs/em09.gif) |