At the beginning of the year, the city allocated $150mm to cover the increases in wages that it expected to approve as a result of negations with the … labor unions. 答案是A,但是A的一个最主要的问题是that修饰关系不清,语法上修饰wages,逻辑上修饰increase. what do you think of E. increases expected to be approved in wages from negotiating.似乎也不完美,但是总不至于犯A那样的错误。别告诉我那时跳跃修饰,我吐...
2 increases in wages逻辑意思明确,而e选项increases 和in wages被expected to be approved隔离,in wages到底是expected短语的一部分呢,还是跳过expected短语直接修饰increases呢,抑或from negotiating也属于in wages的一部分修饰wages呢?e这种结构造成的歧义相信也算一个典型的反面教材了。
我查了一下高级语法书,我想A的问题就是在于先行词是谁。 下面开始抄书.............................................不许笑!! 一、首先有时先行词并不像常规那样紧靠着关系词,而有时先行词与关系词之间插入了其他的成分,这是靠近关系词前面的名词就不是先行词。 1)先行词紧靠关系词 There is a very interesting remark in a book by a man who is a great American writer 2)先行词与关系词被分割 There is a very interesting remark in a book by an American writer that I read recently. 二、先行词可以不只是一个词 先行词可以是: 1)一个词(通常是名词,也可以是代词): The woman who lives next door is a famous dancer. 2)短语: He likes climbing mountains, which is a good exercise. 3)一个分句:(这在gmat中是绝对不可以的) He said that he had no time, which isn't true. 4)一个完整的句子(这在gmat中也甭想) My girlgriend likes dancing with other guys, which really drives me crazy. 对于这道题我的想法:应该是增长被证明是谈判的结果在更符合逻辑。我觉得新东方的好多原则不可过于相信,因为题有好多的变化。其实就是手头的题,也并不是敢保证就是绝对适用的。否则lzm这本书也不用另开一第三章了!个人看法!! 不知道抄这些有没有用,有用以后还抄.....呵呵.....不过今天不行了...睡觉去....