While i agree with Chandra, im a live example of a "arial narrow" in Stern. - Sorry Chandra!!
Personally, I think you can use any font. However,make sure you are consistent. for ex, I used Arial Narrow always (essays, resume, workex) ;) to get some workds in.
So u can use that. I think as long as you keep a decent font size and type, and keep it consistent, it should not matter much.
luoffice,我不知道怎么上传,我这有一个去年去NYU念mba的同事给我的一个NYU的resume formate(.pdf的文件,有很多注释,应该是公开发行的吧), In the last page, it stipulates that "Times New Roman". 看了大家的讨论我也不知道是否应该用这个...
luoffice,我不知道怎么上传,我这有一个去年去NYU念mba的同事给我的一个NYU的resume formate(.pdf的文件,有很多注释,应该是公开发行的吧), In the last page, it stipulates that "Times New Roman". 看了大家的讨论我也不知道是否应该用这个...
well, I only use arial narrow in all my essays.
for the sake of my profile's beautiful face,I stick with times new roman in my CV