以下是引用luoffice在2004-12-1 8:40:00的发言:字体不让改滴,where? Why I can not find this information? 12号字写明了的,sure, in 12 point font 偶也只敢动动钻空子的脑筋,不敢明令违抗。。。
Sorry, just realize that you mean the font, not the font size... Normally schools do not have specific requirements about which font you use...
I chose times new roman 12, but still cannot put a 700 words essay within two pages. You mean you also look into changing the page setup to resolve the problem? or is there any other font that can be smaller than times new roman?
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-12-1 8:53:31编辑过] |