Pre-law reading list;
1. Abel. Richard. American lawyers
2. Arron, Deborah. Running from the law: why good lawyers are getting out of the law; what can you do with a law degree
3. Arron, Deborah, and Deborah Guyol. The complete guide to contract lawyering.
4. Bay, Monia. Carrers in civil litigation.
5. Beill, Susan, ed. Full disclosure: do you really want to be a lawyer?
6. Bolles, Richard N. The three boxes of life and how to get out of them.
7. What color is your parachute?
8. Cooper, Cynthia. The insider’s guide to the top fifteen law schools.
9. Curic Emily. Women lawyers: perspectives on success.
10. Curran, Barbara, and Clara Carson. The lawers statistical report: the US legal profession in the 1990s.
11. Epstein, Cynthia Fuchs. Women in law.
12. Figler, Howard. The complete job search handbook.
13. Fox, Ronald. Law pursuit: careers in public interest law.
14. Green, Jonathan Clark, ed. ILLSA guide to educational and career development in international law.
15. Heinz, John, and Edward Laumann. Chicago lawyers: the social structure of the bar.
16. Jaszaczal, Sandra, ed. Encyclopedia of associations.
17. Killoughey, Donna, ed. Breaking traditions: work alternatives for lawyers.
18. Maer, Janis, ed. Careers in international law.
19. Malkani, Sheila and Michael Walsh. Insider’s guide to law firms.
20. mantis, Hillary Jane, and Kathleeen Brady. Jobs for lawyers: effective techniques for getting hired in today’s legal marketplace.
21. Mayer, Martin. The lawyers.
22. Munneke, Gary. Barron’s guide to law schools.
23. how to scceed in law school
24. law practice management in a nutshell.
25. the legal career guide: from law student to lawyer.
26. materials and cases on law practice management.
27. Opportunities in law careers.
28. Munneke, Gary, and William henslee. Nonlegal careers for lawyers, 4th ed.
29. National association for law placement. 2002 employment report and salary survey.
30. National association for law placement. Guide to small firm employment.
31. Robinson, David. Practicing law without clients: makinga living as a freelance lawyer.
32. Scheele, Adele. Skills for success.
33. Sheehy, Gail. New passages; mapping your life across time.
34. Passages.
35. Shropshire, Kenneth. Careers in sports law.
36. Staudenmaier, Heidi. Changing jobs: a handbook for lawyers in the new millennium.
37. Stevens, Marc. Power of attorney: the rise and fall of the great law firms.
38. Stewart, James. The partners: America’s most powerful law firms.
39. Terkel, Studs. Working
40. Turow, scott. One L.
41. Vogt, Leona. From law school to career: where do graduates go and what do they do?
42. Zemans, Frances Kahn and Victor Rosenblum. The making of a public profession.