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[作文互改] issue13...fighting...thank you lz...

发表于 2013-3-6 19:56:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
45 Competition for high grades seriouslylimits the quality of learning at all levelsof education.

Write a response in which you discuss theextent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain yourreasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting yourposition, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might nothold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.


The speaker asserts that competing for highgrades will qualify their studying quality during different levels ofeducation. Admittedly, only considering a catalyst when it comes to enhancingthe quality of learning will do damage to students' learning effect. Yet to studentsat various studying stages with different mental circumstances, striving forhigh grades have a crucial but a different impact on them.

I agree that competition for high gradesreally limit students' ability to learn to be a person with an independentthought. In some countries, the significance of examinations and the notionthat grades are the most vital element for students are curved in eachstudents' memory because their educational institution limits their futurechoices. If they want to enhance their cultural levels and social statuses, itis essential for them to get high grades to choose a better university innational entrance examination. So, they just recite the crucial knowledgepoints their teachers underline and neglect the reasons and sources thetheories arise from, which make them not understand the deep meanings ofknowledge and reduce their quality of learning. As a consequence, they don'tbecome an erudition, but a studying robot without ability to think.

However, what I have to add is thatcompeting for high grades play a different role for people in different stagesof growing and at various education's levels. Consider, for example, childrenin primary school don't have the opinion that it is important and necessary toabsorb knowledge, so they even think that playing is the most blissful eventduring their life. Forcing the idea that competing for high grades to them willurge them to study hard and base a great foundation for future abstruseknowledge and researches, which will have a good influence on their learningquality. In addition, for students older, like graduates, it is also vital tocompete for education to enhance their learning abilities. The function oftests is to test the understanding level about what they learnt of students anda high grade means that you are very likely to fully know the content of books.For instance, some students in universities are obsessed in doing interestingresearches or leading school groups, which is also good for their social andacademic learning quality. They sometimes neglect their studying, but competingfor high grades which result in more academic awards and renown urge them topay more attention on studying will contribute to their quality of studyingeventually because they have to read books, exchange ideas with teachers tosolve some problems and even do researches to understand better.

Tosum up, competing for high grades reduces the quality of learning at somelevels of education to some extent due to schools set it as a final goal forstudents. Yet at different educational levels, adding high grades as one of thetesting method is indeed a good approach to inspire students' passion to learnand increase their studying results.
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发表于 2013-3-6 21:34:07 | 只看该作者
The speaker asserts that competing for highgrades will qualify their studying quality during different levels of education.Admittedly, only considering a catalyst(建议对这个词加一个定语,否则有点突兀,不知道你指啥) will do damage to students' learning effect when it comes to enhancingthe quality of learning .Yet to students at various studying stages withdifferent mental circumstances, striving for high grades have crucial but different impact on them.

I agree that competition for high gradesreally limit students' ability to learn to be a person with an independentthought. In some countries, the significance of examinations and the notionthat grades are the most vital element for students are curved in each student’s memory because their educational institutionlimits their future choices. If they want to enhance their cultural levels andsocial statuses, it is essential for them to get high grades to choose a betteruniversity in national entrance examination. So, they just recite the crucial knowledgepoints their teachers underline and neglect the reasons and sources thetheories arise from, which make them not understand the deep meanings ofknowledge and reduce their quality of learning. As a consequence, they don't becomean erudition, but a studying robot without ability to think.个人觉得你对得高分的理解有点偏狭,为高分竞争应该不止你所说的,而且为高分竞争和限制了学生的独立思维找不到必然的直接联系,你不能仅就我们的状况就做出这种比较武断的结论。在美国大学中学,也有考试,但考试形式和内容跟我们不一样。所以这里的问题的关键是竞争对人的影响。

However, what I have to add is thatcompeting for high grades play a different role for people in different stagesof growing and at various educations’ levels. Consider, for example, childrenin primary school don't have the opinion that it is important and necessary toabsorb knowledge, so they even think that playing is the most blissful eventduring their life. Forcing the idea that competing for high grades to them willurge them to study hard and base a great foundation for future abstruseknowledge and researches, which will have a good influence on their learningquality. In addition, for students older, like graduates, it is also vital tocompete for education to enhance their learning abilities. The function oftests is to test the understanding level about what they learnt of students anda high grade means that you are very likely to fully know the content of books.For instance, some students in universities are obsessed in doing interesting researchesor leading school groups, which is also good for their social and academiclearning quality. They sometimes neglect their studying, but competing for highgrades which result in more academic awards and renown urge them to pay moreattention on studying will contribute to their quality of studying eventuallybecause they have to read books, exchange ideas with teachers to solve someproblems and even do researches to understand better.

To sum up, competing for high gradesreduces the quality of learning at some levels of education to some extent dueto schools set it as a final goal for students. Yet at different educationallevels, adding high grades as one of the testing method is indeed a goodapproach to inspire students' passion to learn and increase their studyingresults.
发表于 2013-3-6 21:35:23 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-6 23:42:24 | 只看该作者
O(∩_∩)O谢谢lz 中肯的建议。。。
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