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[作文互改] issue156,各位(尤其是竹林大大)给点意见吧,谢谢

发表于 2013-3-5 08:31:48 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
156 The following recommendation was made by the president and administrative staff of Grove College
, a private institution, to the college's governing committee.
"Recently, there have been discussions about ending Grove College's century-old tradition of all-female education by admitting male students into our programs. At a recent faculty meeting, a majority of faculty members voted in favor of coeducation, arguing that it would encourage more students to apply to Grove. However, Grove students, both past and present, are against the idea of coeducation. Eighty percent of the students responding to a survey conducted by the student government wanted the school to remain all female, and over half of the alumnae who answered a separate survey also opposed coeducation. Therefore, we recommend maintaining Grove College's tradition of all-female education. We predict that keeping the college all-female will improve morale among students and convince alumnae to keep supporting the college financially."
Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation is likely to have the predicted result. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation.
The president recommend Grove University
to maintain all-female education instead of coeducation. However, a fundamental question he has to answer is that is the morale among the students and the financial support from the alumnae the only two factors they should consider when deciding the type of education? He has to answer me why he shouldn’t consider the faculty members’ opinion and the enrollment of Grove University. If these other factors turn out to be consideration to the well-being of the school, his argument is greatly weakened.
Building on the assumption that other factors are indeed not as primary as students’ morale and financial support from alumnae, the president has yet many other questions to answer before he can convince me. First and foremost, he has to answer whether the reported he cited among the students are representative—that is if those students can represent all Grove University
students. If they are drawn from a wide range of students, perhaps their opinion might represent the general will of Groveton’s student. On the other hand, if the answer turns out to be that those students are from some particular clubs, then the president’s argument is greatly weakened, for what they want might not what other students in Grove University want. In this case, embodying their will could not enhance the morale among students.
Even if these students are representative, the president has to answer me whether the maintaining all-female form is the primary factor that will influence morale among students. If it turns out that some other factors, such as the popularity of the school—which might be elevated by adopting coeducation, also affect morale among students, the presidents argument that the maintenace of all-female education will improve morale is unconvincing. Furthermore, another question he has to answer is the reason why the morale among students will be improved if the status quo is maintained—why shouldn’t it be what is right now? Before he could explicitly answer these questions, his argument is greatly weakened.

The president further predicts that alumnae will keep supporting Grove University
if it keeps the tradition because they favors such a tradition as has been shown in another survey. However, he has first to answer me whether those alumnae in the survey are also those who make major contribution to the Grove Universities financial support. If they are, perhaps his argument is sound. On the other hand, if those are not the major contributors to the financial support to the university, the president’s prediction might not be warranted. For example, if the major contributors favor co-education rather than the traditional one, they might not be pleased and thus would affect their willingness to support the university.
Granted that most alumnae do favor the tradition, perhaps a more important question the president has to answer is perhaps whether the type of education is the major factor that will influence alumnae’s decision in funding the school. For example, they might value the enrollment of the school and the quality of education when before they make a contribution. In this case, perhaps maintaining the tradition might not ensure financial support. It is highly possible that co-education would be more beneficial for it might attract more students to the university. Therefore, to justify his recommendation, the manager has to give answer to the question that whether the traditional type of Grove University
is the major reason why the alumnae contribute to the school.
In the final analysis, concerned as he is about the well-being of Grove University
, the president fails to convince with his argument. The questions to a lot of question might bolster or invalidate it and the recommendation it is based on.
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-5 08:48:10 | 只看该作者
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