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[作文互改] issue5....感激涕零。等待口诛笔伐==。。时间还是来不及啊。。继续努力吧。。==

发表于 2013-3-3 19:47:34 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
8. Claim: In any field—business,politics, education, government—those in power should step down after fiveyears.

Reason: The surest path to success for anyenterprise is revitalization through new leadership.

Write a response in which you discuss theextent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on whichthat claim is based.
The speaker asserts that the key to beingsuccessful for any enterprise is to let those in power step down after fiveyears. I strongly agree that changing the leader of an enterprise can energizeits morale and working atmosphere for making a difference to its success. Yet peoplehave to take into account that this won’t pose a threaten to its currentcircumstances.

I am inclined to support the idea that revitalizingthrough changed leadership may establishing a disparate working space leadingto success from two aspects. Firstly, Occupying in one position will not bebeneficial to tackle the problem of corruption and abusing their powers, whichwill do damage to its former brilliance. Due to the seduction of searching for powerand leaders cheaper salaries, comparing with businessman, especially in politicfield, some leaders will destroy the base of the nation’s development. Ifsomeone taking the place of them, these problems will be solved and the newpresident must plan some privilege policies for continuous selection. Inaddition, an innovative leader will also bring about altered working styles,incurring a new trend of this company, even the whole industry. ConsideringSteve Jobs, a brilliant CEO blessed with infinite creativity, saved the companyAPPLE he founded from bankrupt through his unique aesthetic perspective and themind full of humanity. The products he invented, IPHONE, IPAD and so forth, ledus to a different IT world, brought the subscribers to a more enjoyable dailylife and eventually took APPLE to the top of the industry it belongs to. With onlyold notions and limited thoughts of a leader, the enterprise and its employeeswill lose their impassion to create and work. Coupled with eradicating theproblems and bringing about altered working atmosphere is the progress of a field’sfuture development which will take place repeatedly by supervising flaws ofthose in power and end with a prosperous field.

Although enormous treasures arising fromthe revitalization, I have to add an exception, contrary to the author’snotion, that sometimes a continuous leader in power will contribute to bringinga long-term policy in some fields into force. If the leader, inventing thepolicy, left his position, the alternative one may change his developing planof this organization, resulting in a waste of a great policy and loss ofindividuals’ privileges. For example, Deng Xiaoping, the former president of P.R.C,the designer of the policy of reformation of openness, held the politic powerfor quite a long time actually. Without his persistence on taking measures toimplement this policy and some regulations relevant, PRC would have been a poorand closed country like the Soviet Union now, let alone these amazing developingspeed of economy and the rise of international status. Ignoring the detailedcircumstances in progress, solely transforming the presidents is not a wiseaction for stockholders and citizens.

To sum up, admittedlysometimes due to the executing time of a policy, it is not necessary to converta leader immediately. Yet an alternative of leadership is a usual and essentialaction for an enterprise healthy and energetic growth.
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发表于 2013-3-4 14:40:04 | 只看该作者
The speaker asserts that the key to beingsuccessful for any enterprise is to let those in power step down after fiveyears. I strongly agree that changing the leader of an enterprise can energizeits morale and working atmosphere for making a difference to its success. Yet peoplehave to take into account that this won’t pose a threaten to its currentcircumstances.

I am inclined to support the idea that revitalizingthrough changing leadership may establishing adisparate working space leading to success from two aspects 这句话我觉得这么说也许好点:I am inclined to support the idea that changing leadershipand establishing a disparate working space for an organization, cooperation oran government will be of benefit to revitalizing from two aspects.尽量指代明确。 Firstly, Occupying in one positionwill not be beneficial to tackle the problem of corruptionand abusing their powers这句话也不是这么说的,最好是“领导人长期任职有可能导致腐败和独裁专制”, which will do damage to its formerbrilliance. 这句话没有指代很明确。Dueto the seduction of searching for power and leaderscheaper salaries?这句话什么意思, comparing with businessman, especially in politic field, some leaders will destroy the base of the nation’sdevelopment.?这种很空的话最好不要写,到底政治领导人怎么做了,然后有什么结果,才会摧毁国家发展的基础(在这里你引入了新的小观点,那么你就必须写清楚)If someone taking the place of them, these problems will be solvedwhy and how?) and the new presidentmust plan some privilege policies(这种表述也不地道) for continuousselection. In addition, an innovative leader will also bring about alteredworking styles, incurring a new trend of thiscompany, even the whole industry. Considering Steve Jobs, a brilliant CEOblessed with infinite creativity, saved the company APPLE he founded frombankrupt through his unique aesthetic perspective andthe mind full of humanity. The products heinvented, IPHONE, IPAD and so forth, led us to a different IT world, broughtthe subscribers to a more enjoyable daily life and eventually took APPLE to thetop of the IT industry 后面三词可不要it belongs to. With onlyold notions and limited thoughts of a leader, the enterprise and its employeeswill lose their passion to create and work.Coupled with eradicating the problems and bringing about altered workingatmosphere is the progress of a field’s future development which will takeplace repeatedly by supervising flaws of those in power and end with aprosperous field.

Although enormoustreasures arisingfrom the revitalization, I have to add an exception, contrary to the author’snotion, that sometimes a continuous leader in power will contribute to bringinga long-term policy in some fields into force. If the leader, inventing the policy,left his position, the alternative one may change his developingplan of this organization, resulting in a wasteof a great policy and loss of individuals’ privileges. For example, DengXiaoping, the former president of P.R.C,the designer of the policy ofreformation of openness, held the politic power for quite a long time actually.Without his persistence on taking measures to implement this policy and someregulations relevant, PRC would have been a poor and closed country like the Soviet Union now, let alone this amazing developing speedof economy and the rise of international status. Ignoring the detailedcircumstances in progress, solely transforming the presidents is not a wiseaction for stockholders and citizens.

To sum up, admittedly sometimes due to theexecuting time of a policy, it is not necessary to convert leader immediately.Yet an alternative of leadership is a usual and essential action for anenterprise healthy and energetic growth.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-4 22:50:06 | 只看该作者
哇。。好详细。。。嗯。。即使纠正。。THX LZ
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