1. Heating-oil prices areexpected to be higher this year than last because refiners are paying about $5 a barrel more for crude oil than they were last year. (状语比较:直接加状语)
2 Exceeding even the figures predictedby the most optimistic financial analysts, the automobile company's earnings in the first quarterwere more than double those of
the previous quarter.
这两个句子,我不明白第一个句子比较this year和last year状语就可以直接写;第二个句子是一道题我先贴一下
87. (29133-!-item-!-188;#058&004212)
Exceeding even the figures predictedby the most optimistic financial analysts, the automobile company hadearnings in the first quarter that more than doubled the previous quarter.
(A) company had earnings in thefirst quarter that more than doubled
(B) company earned more than doublein the first quarter what they were in
(C) company had first quarterearnings that more than doubled those in
(D) company's earnings in the firstquarter were more than double
(E) company's earnings in the firstquarter were more than double those of
我就不明白了为什么不能选D,同样是状语比较啊,我看以前的帖子说是这company's earning和 the previous quarter比较不对等。介样子说的话那我写的第一句岂不也是不对等了!
还有,那个double在这里是什么词性啊?是前置定语的用法double the earnings还是形容词修饰 earnings啊? |