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[argument] Argu 55 这次感觉写的好少,版主给点意见

发表于 2013-2-28 19:58:43 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
The following appeared in an editorial in abusiness magazine.

"Although the sales of Whirlwind videogames have declined over the past two years, a recent
survey of video-game players suggests thatthis sales trend is about to be reversed. The survey
asked video-game players what features theythought were most important in a video game.
According to the survey, players prefergames that provide lifelike graphics, which require the most
up-to-date computers. Whirlwind has justintroduced several such games with an extensive
advertising campaign directed at people tento twenty-five years old, the age-group most likely to
play video games. It follows, then, thatthe sales of Whirlwind video games are likely to increase
dramatically in the next few months."

Write a response in which you examine thestated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument.
Be sure to explain how the argument dependson these assumptions and what the implications are
for the argument if the assumptions proveunwarranted.

It may be possible that the sales ofWhirlwind video games increase in the next few months, however, this author'sargument dose not make a cogent case for increased tend of Whirlwind videogame. This argument is rife with holes and assumptions, and hence, makes itseems not firmly grounded.

Citing the recent survey of video-gameplayers, the author writes these players prefer games thar provide lifelikegraphics. It is not clear, however, the scope and validity of that survey. Forexample, the survey could have asked players if they purchase a video game dothey prefer the better graphic one. No doubt, it may have swayed players towardthe better graphics. The sample may not have been representative of the wholeplayers, asking merely those fanatic players. In short, the argument is notwell reasoned. To make it logically acceptable, the author should inform usmore details of the survey to demonstrate the survey is intellectual.

Additionally, the author implies that theplayers who regard lifelike graphics as the most important feature eitherpossess the most up-to-data computers or they will buy one for playing theselifelike graphic games. Certainly, it is precarious. For instance, one playeris likely to show his interest in the better graphic games if he has theup-to-date device when be asked in the survey. Yet in reality, he can notafford the expense of the advance computer in which extent the result of surveyend up being much weaker than it seems. What's more, the author reckon thatpeople in ten to twenty-five age-group is the most likely to play video games.As we know, this age-group people majority are students who normally could notafford the expensive game devices. Regarding this point, the assumption mightunwarranted.

The author builds upon the implication thatthe optimistic sales trend equal to sales of video games increasing dramatically.Granted that sales trend would turn to the optimistic side in the few monthsbut it is not meant to represent that the exact magnitude will aggrandizeremarkably. For example, during the past two years, the number of sales may notenough great; if the increasing trend only means the percentage will be enhancivethe exact number may be not considerable. Thus, we could not conclude that thesales trend will be very sanguine and hopeful.

The last hypothesis is that author of thisargument supposes Whirlwind is the only one video game company or the best one.We merely acquire the information that Whirlwind has just introduced several videogames, offering lifelike graphics, with extensive advertising campaign directedat youth, however, we know little about its rivals' situation. If the other companiesrelease same type video games which may even have better quality, excellentplot, authentic scenes and etc, the assumption is not valid. Hence, even thoughthe sales of video games increase dramatically in the following months, itcould not evidence the conclusion that the sales of Whirlwind would increasesynchronously.
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发表于 2013-3-1 07:26:10 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-1 12:18:48 | 只看该作者
嗯 好的,我加个结尾总结下我的理由
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