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专业方向介绍系列之十: Tech Innovation

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发表于 2003-7-9 09:34:00 | 只看该作者

专业方向介绍系列之十: Tech Innovation

尽管MBA 申请不象其它master program那样强调专业方向, 但由于每个申请人的工作背景和职业目标还是多有确定的取向的; B-School在录取人的特点上以及课程设置上也充分考虑到专业发展方向的问题. 下面继续给大家介绍B-School一般的专业课程设置.

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-7-9 9:35:44编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2003-7-9 09:35:00 | 只看该作者
Technological advance has been responsible for creating half of the long term economic growth and 80% of productivity improvement in the U.S. over the last fifty years, and is forecast to be the single most important factor in creating business opportunity worldwide in the coming decades. Technological Innovation routinely creates new markets and investment opportunities while at the same time rendering others obsolete. It also transforms our ways of running operations and organizing business so that, the ability to understand and manage the process and its impact has become an essential requirement for business managers regardless of functional specialty. Powerful innovations in, for example, information technology, biotechnology, and advanced materials, have irreversibly changed much of the service and manufacturing sectors and forced aspiring business leaders to develop new skills and an understanding of technological innovation and its impact.

The major, Technological Innovation, is designed to educate leaders for the business environment of the 21st century in which new and emerging technologies will increasingly drive the creation of new businesses and industries. It is targeted to corporate managers, entrepreneurs, consultants and analysts who wish to stay ahead of the curve by profiting from technological innovation by managing its impact. In addition the Technological Innovation program is designed to facilitate participation in the dual-degree program with the School of Engineering and Applied Science. (MBA/MSE) students interested in the graduate program in Management and Technology are accepted and enrolled in two degree programs simultaneously: a 10-course unit MSE program in the school of Engineering and Applied Science .

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