10. Carnivorous mammals can endure what wouldotherwise be lethal levels of body heat because theyhave a heat-exchange network which kept the brainfrom getting too hot.
(A) which kept
(B) that keeps
(C) which has kept
(D) that has been keeping
(E) having kept
Verb form; Rhetorical construction
答案是B,OG中关于E的错误解释是Having is awkward and imprecise, kept is the wrong tense. 关于这个我有三点疑问:1,跟B比起来 E选项awkward的知识点在哪里?that从句由于动名词短语? 2,imprecise 不准确 为什么不准确? 因为动名词可以修饰句子整个前面那部分而划线部分后面的内容只是想修饰 network? 3.kept is the wrong tense。 难道have后面不跟kept么? 小弟多谢了先! |