Ron说我有点想多了 好像的确有点 不过我自己想明白,在GMAT这种考试之中自然讲究comparison中的beauty of parallelism. 两个无所谓是否冲突。记住Ron说的这一点就好了。
in general, * if you use did/do/does/etc. to stand for an action verb, then it can be parallel to any tense of that action verb. e.g., you can use "did" in parallel to saw (which is in the same tense), but you can also use it in parallel to has/have seen, will see, sees, etc.
so, for instance, No one else will ever play that piece as well as you did last night. --> this sentence is perfectly correct, as is the one about acreage in the OG.
I have never seen an aardvark, but last year my father saw one. I have never seen an aardvark, but last year my father did. I have never seen an aardvark, but next year I may see one. I have never seen an aardvark, but next year I may. I have never seen more aardvarks than I saw last year. I have never seen more aardvarks than I did last year.
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