12.27半夜面的,本来12.22-1.1应该是Cornell的winter break time, 很抱歉占用了Nichole的放假时间。
- Each Job Responsibility on your resume
- Why MBA
- Why Cornell, other school applied
- How to cope with disagreement with your co-worker or boss?
- any current Johnson student or alumni you have talked with, have you ever visited our campus
- most innovative idea or achievement
- which club or activity in Johnson would you like to join
- 简历上的一个课外活动问题
- any question
Skype 面试, Nichole是在咖啡店里面我的,周围环境稍显嘈杂,关键是网络不稳定,35分钟的面试中间断了6次,结果只能听天由命了。God Bless me! |