这题题目(C)选项应该是打错了, 我这边手上的原稿(上机稿)
(C)选项the ant, 不是the ants, 还有是close relatives, 不是a close relative 如果这样大家还觉得(D)是答案吗?
毕竟limits要修饰the kind 还是struggles应该是很难判断, 但C原题the ant的话, 数量一致是否比较合理? the ant代表总称
C) Because it is so genetically similar, the ant considers all its fellows to be close relatives and thus does not engage in the kind of fierce intercolony struggles that limits
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-10-5 4:28:35编辑过] |