我認為這樣想有問題。 如按照lz所說,consider後面是rural poor legitimate subjects for literature和portraying them平行的話,就是說是concrete noun和simple gerund之間平行。按照manhattan所說,這樣的平行是不允許的。 希望能幫到你^^ -- by 会员 TerraceHo (2012/11/24 20:50:57)
thx~ 给了我一点启发
the + gerund 是可以作为名词与 其他名词 平行的
如OG13-SC-Q121 “New theoriespropose that catastrophic impacts of asteroids and comets may have causedreversals in the Earth’s magnetic field, the onset of ice ages, splitting apart continents 80 million years ago, and greatvolcanic eruptions.”
A: splitting apart continents B: the splitting apart continents C: split apart continents D: continents split apart E: continents that were split apart
其他选项的解释我就不贴了,只贴正确答案B的解释 OG: "the splitting" is a gerund, or noun form, and is properly used in this sentence; it is parallel to the other nouns.
难道是rural poor legitimate subjects for literature这个复合名词跟 "the gerund" 这种noun form 不能平行么?
还是我开始钻牛角尖了 = = |