这道题开头用了since,整个句子应该使用现在完成时态 根据事态排除后剩下A和B。 A选项more and more littering has occured in orbits near Earth, often because of the intentional discarding of lens caps, packing material , fuel tanks and payload covers. 问题出在because of上面。because of表示因果,好像在说international discarding 导致了 lettering occurred行为 含义不对 B选项,often from作为状语修饰的是前面句子的动词have become more and more ... -- by 会员 MiaZhang (2012/11/24 9:47:49)
这样的from用法好奇怪啊。。。相当于是说: The ocean is polluted, from the trash. 为什么这里不用by,through,而是用from???非常纠结!多谢各位回复! |