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发表于 2012-11-18 10:36:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Even though more money was removed out of stock funds in July as in any month since October 1987, sales of fund shares in July were not as low as an industry trade group had previously estimated.

A. as in any month since October 1987, sales of fund shares in July were not as low as
B. as had been in any other month since October 1987, sales of fund shares in July were not as low as what
C. than there was in any other month since October 1987, sales of fund shares in July were not as low as that which
D. than in any month since October 1987, sales of fund shares in July were not as low as
E. than in any other month since October 1987, sales of fund shares in July were not as low as what
这道题选E,请问D错在哪?比较对象是sales of fund shares,为什么as low as后面不能省略sales of fund shares,直接加后面的an industry trade group had previously estimated?为什么还要加个what呢?

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发表于 2012-11-18 10:59:47 | 只看该作者
再仔细看一眼。。。亲。。。应该是D选项的问题是应该使用any other month啦!!!我觉得what是可以省略的,加上也没错,主要的问题D 错在没有other上,是逻辑上的错误
发表于 2012-11-18 14:58:13 | 只看该作者
any other 问题同意LS
但是what能不能省问题,有一点疑问:这句话中的estimated和平常所见的than estamated的特殊比较结构似乎不太一样,
sales of fund shares in July were not as low as what an industry trade group had previously estimated,这里比较的是两个noun,如果去掉what,后面就是一个句子,和前面一个noun比较不对称,所以感觉不能去掉~~

发表于 2012-11-19 10:23:31 | 只看该作者
any other 问题同意LS
但是what能不能省问题,有一点疑问:这句话中的estimated和平常所见的than estamated的特殊比较结构似乎不太一样,
sales of fund shares in July were not as low as what an industry trade group had previously estimated,这里比较的是两个noun,如果去掉what,后面就是一个句子,和前面一个noun比较不对称,所以感觉不能去掉~~

-- by 会员 yiqing2012 (2012/11/18 14:58:13)

发表于 2012-11-24 13:11:44 | 只看该作者
any other 问题同意LS
但是what能不能省问题,有一点疑问:这句话中的estimated和平常所见的than estamated的特殊比较结构似乎不太一样,
sales of fund shares in July were not as low as what an industry trade group had previously estimated,这里比较的是两个noun,如果去掉what,后面就是一个句子,和前面一个noun比较不对称,所以感觉不能去掉~~

-- by 会员 yiqing2012 (2012/11/18 14:58:13)

sorry~ 这里说错了~~
这里可以省略what~ 这句话应该和A surge in new home sales and a drop in weekly unemployment claims suggest that the economy might not be as weak as some analyst previously thought一样,特殊的比较结构~
发表于 2012-11-25 16:51:25 | 只看该作者
any other 问题同意LS
但是what能不能省问题,有一点疑问:这句话中的estimated和平常所见的than estamated的特殊比较结构似乎不太一样,
sales of fund shares in July were not as low as what an industry trade group had previously estimated,这里比较的是两个noun,如果去掉what,后面就是一个句子,和前面一个noun比较不对称,所以感觉不能去掉~~

-- by 会员 yiqing2012 (2012/11/18 14:58:13)

sorry~ 这里说错了~~
这里可以省略what~ 这句话应该和A surge in new home sales and a drop in weekly unemployment claims suggest that the economy might not be as weak as some analyst previously thought一样,特殊的比较结构~
-- by 会员 yiqing2012 (2012/11/24 13:11:44)

这道题我觉得是应该选D。 不是选E,

首先 other 没必要出现, 因为不需要把“自己”排除在外

其次这题就像yiqing说的一样。 和OG 12-13结构一样, 只是as 后面 省略了 “sales of fund shares in July that”  而已。
发表于 2012-11-25 18:52:30 | 只看该作者
any other 问题同意LS
但是what能不能省问题,有一点疑问:这句话中的estimated和平常所见的than estamated的特殊比较结构似乎不太一样,
sales of fund shares in July were not as low as what an industry trade group had previously estimated,这里比较的是两个noun,如果去掉what,后面就是一个句子,和前面一个noun比较不对称,所以感觉不能去掉~~

-- by 会员 yiqing2012 (2012/11/18 14:58:13)

sorry~ 这里说错了~~
这里可以省略what~ 这句话应该和A surge in new home sales and a drop in weekly unemployment claims suggest that the economy might not be as weak as some analyst previously thought一样,特殊的比较结构~
-- by 会员 yiqing2012 (2012/11/24 13:11:44)

这道题我觉得是应该选D。 不是选E,

首先 other 没必要出现, 因为不需要把“自己”排除在外

其次这题就像yiqing说的一样。 和OG 12-13结构一样, 只是as 后面 省略了 “sales of fund shares in July that”  而已。
-- by 会员 abjure (2012/11/25 16:51:25)

我理解你的意思了~~ 你的意思是不是觉得october应该在july之后,所以不用排除自己?
但是从句意理解,我觉得这个july就不是1987年的,而是后面年份的~ 特别是这里还用了一个since,since表示从什么时候开始到后来什么时候,所以1987.10应该在这个JULY的前面~
发表于 2012-11-26 00:00:30 | 只看该作者
any other 问题同意LS
但是what能不能省问题,有一点疑问:这句话中的estimated和平常所见的than estamated的特殊比较结构似乎不太一样,
sales of fund shares in July were not as low as what an industry trade group had previously estimated,这里比较的是两个noun,如果去掉what,后面就是一个句子,和前面一个noun比较不对称,所以感觉不能去掉~~

-- by 会员 yiqing2012 (2012/11/18 14:58:13)

sorry~ 这里说错了~~
这里可以省略what~ 这句话应该和A surge in new home sales and a drop in weekly unemployment claims suggest that the economy might not be as weak as some analyst previously thought一样,特殊的比较结构~
-- by 会员 yiqing2012 (2012/11/24 13:11:44)

这道题我觉得是应该选D。 不是选E,

首先 other 没必要出现, 因为不需要把“自己”排除在外

其次这题就像yiqing说的一样。 和OG 12-13结构一样, 只是as 后面 省略了 “sales of fund shares in July that”  而已。
-- by 会员 abjure (2012/11/25 16:51:25)

我理解你的意思了~~ 你的意思是不是觉得october应该在july之后,所以不用排除自己?
但是从句意理解,我觉得这个july就不是1987年的,而是后面年份的~ 特别是这里还用了一个since,since表示从什么时候开始到后来什么时候,所以1987.10应该在这个JULY的前面~
-- by 会员 yiqing2012 (2012/11/25 18:52:30)

我同意你这个观点, 因为比较基本要求,是比较的两方不可以是相同的事物,所以用了other就非常严谨的排除了这种逻辑错误。OG好像也有类似的题。

但是对于what的省略这点: 我觉得不可以省略,这也是D的另外一个错误点。
sales of fund shares  是一个短语, 用 imply "sales of fund shares that"  这种结构that不可以指代一个短语,应该是具体某个词, 假如放到这题里,就会造成指代歧义的问题。 所以作者干脆用what 代替。。。

发表于 2012-11-26 00:57:38 | 只看该作者
在manhattan找了好久,只找到一丁點大神說的話,結合Stacey說的俺是這樣想的,歡迎糾正><!! 順便把另外一題目也在這裡研究一下,謝謝!

【注:由於俺是直接把自己note po上來,所以有點亂...見諒!!!><】
1.A surge in new home sales and a drop in weekly unemployment claims suggest that the economy might not be as weak as some analysts previously thought.
(A) claims suggest that the economy might not be as weak as some analysts previously thought A
(B) claims suggests that the economy might not be so weak as some analysts have previously thought
(C) claims suggest that the economy might not be as weak as have been previously thought by some analysts
(D) claims, suggesting about the economy that it might not be so weak as previously thought by some analysts
(E) claims, suggesting the economy might not be as weak as previously thought to be by some analysts

(1) parallel maker: As weak as

(2) 前面部份:The economy might not be...
後面部份我分別分為active voice和passive voice兩種形式來補充原句(因為在manhattan上面看到有人問Stacey關於passive voice的,然後Stacey指出passive voice只要適當修改也是grammatically right的)

a)active voice

Some analysts previously thought that the economy might be...//

Some analysts previously thought the economy to be...//

passive voice

The economy was previously thought by some analyst.

In a passive construction, the subject is NOT doing the action. Rather, the subject is having the action performed on it. The analysts thought something ABOUT an idea / the economy, so that becomes the subject in a passive construction.passive voice的時候,句子的subject不是動作的執行者,而是動作的對象。所以動作執行者對應進行動作針對的事物,就是此時的subject。】

b)From StaceyWhen the comparison is between what something actually is vs. what someone thought it was, you can indicate the "thought it was" part via tense, without repeating the initial word.【就是說當某事的事實情況跟某人所想的情況相比較的時候,“thought it was”可以通過時態來替代,不需要重複原來的詞語】

c)Omit】沒有ambiguity & 保持parallelism的前提下,

active voicewhat some analysts previously thought

Some analysts previously thought.

passive voicewas previously thought by some analysts.


AWhat do you suggest on this matter?

BI suggest that...


【論】active voicepassive voice的選擇:經濟沒有分析師所想的weak,我覺得比較后部份的重點在于分析師這個主體,而不是think這個動作。因此,根據主動側重於subject,被動側重於verb的原則,比較的后部份用active voice比用passive voice好。但是這個也是要到句子判斷到最好兩個才用。

2.  Even though more money was removed out of stock funds in July as in any month since October 1987, sales of fund shares in July were not as low as an industry trade group had previously estimated.
A. as in any month since October 1987, sales of fund shares in July were not as low as
B. as had been in any other month since October 1987, sales of fund shares in July were not as low as what
C. than there was in any other month since October 1987, sales of fund shares in July were not as low as that which
D. than in any month since October 1987, sales of fund shares in July were not as low as
E. than in any other month since October 1987, sales of fund shares in July were not as low as what

(1) more...than

a)more money was removed out of stock funds in July【某年7月,不確定】

b)money was removed out of stock funds inanyother month since October 1987【自從19877月】

c)more money was removed out of stock funds in July than in anyotherother month since October 1987

(2) as low as

a)Sales of fund shares in July were...

b)active voice

An industry trade group had previously estimated that sales of fund shares...//

An industry trade group had previously estimated the sales of fund shares to be...

passive voice

Sales of fund shares had been previously estimated by an industry trade group.

c)Omit】沒有ambiguity & 保持parallelism的前提下,

active voicewhat an industry trade group had previously estimated

an industry trade group had previously estimated

passive voicehad been previously estimated by an industry trade group


根據句子意思的理解,可以大概確定July是在1986October以後的,如果直接用any month since October 1987的話,就會把July也包含進去,起不到一個compare的作用。因而要在any後面加上otherany other month since October 1987,表示198710月起除了7月以外的其他月份。

Conclusion: 我覺得在active voice的情況下,當比較后部份有what的時候,what代替的是estimate/think後面的賓語從句。沒有what的時候,省略的是estimate/think to be中的to be【因為有學生問Stacey是不是要不to be,然後Stacey就說Yes,something like this。據此,我認為,要補充原句的方法不僅只有一種,所以分了賓從和固定搭配兩方面】。
在passive voice的情況下,直接省略與比較前部份相同的subject,留下tensed verb。


(1) more...than

a)more money was removed out of stock funds in July【某年7月,不確定】

b)money was removed out of stock funds inanyother month since October 1987【自從19877月】

c)more money was removed out of stock funds in July than in anyotherother month since October 1987

(2) as low as

a)Sales of fund shares in July were...

b)active voice

An industry trade group had previously estimated that sales of fund shares...//

An industry trade group had previously estimated the sales of fund shares to be...

passive voice

Sales of fund shares had been previously estimated by an industry trade group.

c)Omit】沒有ambiguity & 保持parallelism的前提下,

active voicewhat an industry trade group had previously estimated

an industry trade group had previously estimated

passive voicehad been previously estimated by an industry trade group


根據句子意思的理解,可以大概確定July是在1986October以後的,如果直接用any month since October 1987的話,就會把July也包含進去,起不到一個compare的作用。因而要在any後面加上otherany other month since October 1987,表示198710月起除了7月以外的其他月份。

Conclusion: 我覺得在active voice的情況下,當比較后部份有what的時候,what代替的是estimate/think後面的賓語從句。沒有what的時候,省略的是estimate/think to be中的to be【因為有學生問Stacey是不是要不to be,然後Stacey就說Yes,something like this。據此,我認為,要補充原句的方法不僅只有一種,所以分了賓從和固定搭配兩方面】。
在passive voice的情況下,直接省略與比較前部份相同的subject,留下tensed verb。


发表于 2012-11-26 11:49:04 | 只看该作者
LS 老实说,没看懂你想说什么。
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