the commision had directed advertisers to restrict the use of the word "natrual" to foods that do not contain color or flavor additives,chemical preservatives,or nothing that has been synthesized. A.or nothing that has been synthesized. B.or that has been. 请教各位大牛,为什么A,B 的选项,or都是只有 COLOR 和 CHEMICAL 平行呢? 没有后面这一个? -- by 会员 fpd (2012/11/10 22:01:26)
没懂你的意思 A选项可以是三者平行的, a,b or nothing that B选项的平行就跟OG说的一样 food that, or (foods)that
or和and的平行是一样的 that....and that
别换了个词就被GMAC坑了 and,or,but都是parallel marker |