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[作文互改] Issue1,还有两周GRE,第一次写,精疲力竭,还望猛拍

发表于 2012-11-6 11:59:27 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Issue 1 As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

Technology, which is broadly defined as making and using of tools, has been a long history since a caveman firstly used a rock or wood as instrument to hunt or defense. For thousands of years, technical advancement leads human beings to overcome one difficulty after another. In modern world, a concern that the ability of humans to think for themselves will deteriorate accompanying with the development of technology has been raised since they rely more and more on technology to solve problem. However, I concede that in certain cases, some of our abilities will deteriorate for the excess use of technology, but in general, technology will not only not deteriorate, but emancipate humans from heavy physical labour and think more for ourselves.

Admittedly, advancement of modern technology changes our world to a great extent, some of which leads people to become more and more mechanization with less deliberation. For supporting examples, one needs look no further than computers and the Internet. Understandably, comparing to our ancestors, computers and the Internet help us save a lot of time when we want to get information from outsides and provide various methods to show ourselves. However, these changes do not help us to think more about ourselves; on the contrary, we spend a lot of time on Internet to do busy but meaningless things. We read and transmit the information we received from others but do not think further about the information themselves. When we become more and more likely the spots in a large net just as the inventors of internet said, we use less and less time for meditation, contemplation and analysis.

Aside from the foregoing situation, however, I fundamentally disagree with the speaker's claim that the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate. The first thing we should understand is that technology, even though has developed for thousands of years, has not changed its most important character which is to help, assist human thinking but not substitute it. All kinds of advanced technology, from space shuttle to microchips, cannot do creative things for human. The vehicles we invented can only help us get to places effectively and safely; no matter whether it is the most advanced space shuttle or the simplest bicycle or shoes. The electronic calculator can only help us do the preprogrammed calculation; no matter it is a small calculator or a huge and complex super computer. Neither of both listed above can do the creative things. There is no machine which can independently design a new machine without the orders and programs from human. The goal of existence of them is to do the physical labour effectively and safely and leaves the more important and complicates things to human, which is thinking.

Furthermore, the people who claim that relying on technology deteriorate our ability to think ignores some characteristics of the technology. Let alone the saying among technicians and scientists that 'A solution of one problem will also bring new more problems.' We create and rely more and more on technology to solve problem, but new more problems in technology continuously emerge, which need more deeply considerations. Moreover, the science and technology themselves are double-edged swords which bring us more questions outside the aspects of technology, such as social problem, ethic problem, and economic problem. We rely more and more heavily on gene technology to cure diseases or implant of human organs. At the same time, problems such as clone man impact the bottom line of human morality and ethics. For such problems, our generation and the next generation need to think more deeply and comprehensively than our predecessors. In this point of view, relying on technology gives us opportunity to review ourselves and further consideration.

To sum up, accordingly, on balance, the speaker only takes account of one aspect of the problem. Unless the excess relying on technology, I concede that the ability of humans to think for themselves will deteriorate. Otherwise, relying on technology emancipates us from heavy physical labour and gives new opportunity to review ourselves deeply.
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发表于 2012-11-6 22:07:34 | 只看该作者
Technology, which is broadly defined as makingand using of tools, has been a long history since a caveman firstly used a rockor wood as instrument to hunt or defense. For thousands of years, technicaladvancement leads human beings to overcome one difficulty after another. Inmodern world, a concern that the ability of humans to think for themselves willdeteriorate accompanying with the development of technology has been raisedsince they rely more and more on technology to solve problem. However, I concedethat in certain cases, some of our abilities will deteriorate for the excessuse of technology, but in general, technology will not only (建议换做totallynotdeteriorate, but emancipate humans from heavy physical laborand think more for ourselves.

Admittedly, advancement of modern technologychanges our world to a great extent, some of which leads people to become moreand more mechanization with less deliberation. For supporting examples, oneneeds look no further than computers and the Internet. Understandably, comparingto our ancestors, computers and the Internet help us save a lot of time when wewant to get information from outsides and provide various methods to showourselveswhat does this mean?).However, these changes do not help us to think more about ourselves; on thecontrary, we spend a lot of time on Internet to do busy but meaningless things.We read and transmit the information we received from others but do not thinkfurther about the information themselves. When we become more and more likelythe spots in a large net just as the inventors of internet said, we use lessand less time for meditation, contemplation and analysis.

Aside from the foregoing situation, however, Ifundamentally disagree with the speaker's claim that the ability of humans tothink for themselves will surely deteriorate. The first thing we shouldunderstand is that technology, even though has developed for thousands ofyears, has not changed its most important character which is to help, assisthuman thinking but not substitute it. All kinds of advanced technology, fromspace shuttle to microchips, cannot do creative things for human. The vehicleswe invented can only help us get to places effectively and safely; no matterwhether it is the most advanced space shuttle or the simplest bicycle or shoes.The electronic calculator can only help us do the preprogrammed calculation; nomatter it is a small calculator or a huge and complex super computer. Neitherof both listed above can do the creative things. There is no machine which canindependently design a new machine without the orders and programs from human.The goal of existence of them is to do the physical labour effectively andsafely and leaves the more important and complicates things to human, which isthinking.

Furthermore, the people who claim that relying ontechnology deteriorate our ability to think ignores some characteristics of thetechnology. Let alone the saying among technicians and scientists that 'Asolution of one problem will also bring new more problems.' We create and relymore and more on technology to solve problem, but new more problems intechnology continuously emerge, which need more deeply considerations.Moreover, the science and technology themselves are double-edged swords whichbring us more questions outside the aspects of technology, such as socialproblem, ethic problem, and economic problem. We rely more and more heavily ongene technology to cure diseases or implant of human organs. At the same time,problems such as clone man impact the bottom line of human morality and ethics.For such problems, our generation and the next generation need to think moredeeply and comprehensively than our predecessors. In this point of view,relying on technology gives us opportunity to review ourselves and furtherconsideration.

To sum up, accordingly, on balance, the speakeronly takes account of one aspect of the problem. Unless the excess relying ontechnology, I concede that the ability of humans to think for themselves willdeteriorate. Otherwise, relying on technology emancipates us from heavyphysical labour and gives new opportunity to review ourselves deeply.
发表于 2012-11-8 23:16:46 | 只看该作者
your did a great job! How can you finish in 30 mins?
 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-9 00:22:06 | 只看该作者
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