1. 阅读: 做阅读的时候就是往文章里面找对应,找原句。找到了就直接选,一般错不了。 20分钟一篇的阅读:3~4分钟扫完全文,注意每段的开头句。做题的时候词汇题快过,其他题目1分钟左右。要是词汇有时候不确定的话,就往那个句子的前后读一下,看看句子之间的关系,对比和正反了选(和GRE填空的原理……………………
牛奶是在重庆教育考试中心考试的 先说说住的地方: 其实挺方便的 周围有很多旅店,牛奶住的是考试中心背后的加州旅馆。因为考试中心旁边那家宾馆真的太贵了一晚上就要300多== 早上吃早餐的地方周围有很多,牛奶是在加州旅馆旁边的面馆吃的。
考场情况: 考场挺不错的,工作人员比较和蔼,考场休息室里面有吃的有喝的(包子馒头点心牛奶咖啡热水纸巾…),厕所干净。要是早上来不及或者自己不想在外面吃早餐的可以考虑到里面吃。 牛奶在途休息的时候还喝到热水了。 考试时候的座位挺独立的。由于进去得晚,坐的位置又是左边和背后都是靠墙的,就相当于是阻隔开了的位置。所以口语听力什么的都没被影响。大家开心说口语的时候我已经在厕所去了~~~不过考试途中我隐约觉得楼上在装修施工什么的,但声音不大。
1. 阅读: 牛奶做阅读的时候就是往文章里面找对应,找原句。找到了就直接选,一般错不了。 20分钟一篇的阅读:3~4分钟扫完全文,注意每段的开头句。做题的时候词汇题快过,其他题目1分钟左右。要是词汇有时候不确定的话,就往那个句子的前后读一下,看看句子之间的关系,对比和正反了选(和GRE填空的原理差不多)。选同义句的题目最重要的就是抓句子的逻辑关系,把highlight的句子看成是一坨一坨的,把它们关系弄清楚,比如谁cause谁,谁又因为谁,又导致了谁,谁谁谁………… 当然,阅读的学科单词问题肯定要提前解决掉。
2. 听力: 听力的时候记得做笔记,答题的时候往笔记里面找关键词。牛奶考过二级口译,所以笔记做的还成,也是曾经备战二口时候练完1摞A4纸张的结果~~ 挺悲催的是,听力换纸的时候举手,老师半天没过来。她正过来的时候牛奶已经在听下个段子了,牛奶就神叨叨地把正在听的那个段子的前一半笔记给了那个监考老师………后来答题的时候就慌了……于是听力也就砸了……T.T 大家引以为戒啊!!!!!!!!!!!
3. 口语: 口语很悲催啊……前两个得的是good,后面四个都是fair。记得说第三个的时候说完之后发现还剩20多秒== 桑不起 牛奶之前在伦敦工作过一年多,口语偏英音……考托福时候想改来着,结果来不及了,舌头也轮不转美音,于是就将就了…… 不知道这一点被歧视了没有。牛奶觉得是有-- 大家准备托福口语的时候还是按着美音来吧……
4. 第二个作文按五段来写
一般在30分钟内,对大多数人来说能说明白自己观点的小文章,字数大概500左右。 写差不多500字就是最理想的状态了,别超过550。要是您是大牛的话,您想写多少写多少吧~~~
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The friend that you can have fun with is more important than friend that you can get help with. Use specific reasons to support your answer.
第一段开头,表明观点:Friends make our life interesting and wonderful. Life would be pretty lonely without them around. Friends are not just for socializing and having fun. Most importantly, they are always there for you when you need help. Personally, I value the friends that I can get help from more than the friends that I can have fun with. (第一段,阅卷人找的就是这句话。)
第二段,reason+detail+example: To begin with, friends will come and go in our life; having helpful friends means having people I can count on when I had bitterness and disappointment in my life.(理由1)They are there to listen to me and give me help and advice. It is hard to imagine what would happen without their kindness help.(detail1)For example, (开始举例)six months ago me and my husband of almost 2 years ended our marriage because of his betray. It was so miserable and I tired to commit a suicide in the bathroom. But my friends found me finally and took me to the hospital. They looked after me and kept comforting me and cheer me up. Now, I have already fully recovered from it. I feel very appreciate for their help and realize that having friends who is willing to help is really important, because when you feel like it is the end of the world, and have no one to go to, your friend will always be there for you
第二段,Reason+detail,这段没写example,但是在detail里面加了一个对比: In addition, helpful friends let you know what the true friendship is, how to be friendly to other people, and how to solve our daily problems, etc.(理由2) People always say that tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are. Thus, it is of utmost importance to carefully choose your friends, for they will have great influence on our life. Surround yourself with helpful friends who are models of something instead of experts of nothing, for they are capable of contributing to a solution of your problem from their own experiences. On the contrary, if you surround yourself with lots of friends that you could only have fun with, you can barely learn useful things from them.
第四段,回到Reason+detail+example: Finally, a helpful friend could also bring us lots of happy time and make our life beautiful.(理由3)Life without them is just like flowers without sunshine.(detail)For example, a helpful friend is generally able to work out a wonderful plan for traveling or doing other interesting things. Most of my friends and I are keen on traveling and we went to Korea last year. It was really fun to stay with them; they arranged almost everything from hotel to cars. We went to lots to tourist sites and tried different kinds of delicious Korean food. I never remain suspicious that I can have fun with them as well 第五段 再次表态: To sum up, the factors that have been discussed above lead me to believe that the friend that you can get help from is more important than the friend that you can have fun with. As an old saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed.
这一篇差不多500字。表明了立场,说了三个理由,举了两个例子,detail也有。照这个模式在考场里面写,绝对错不了。 作文要得高分就一定要。必须要。非常要。好~~~~好~~~练~~~~习~~~啊!!!托福又涨价了啊~~~好贵啊!!!~~~桑不起!!!~~~~~
Grace1990问: LZ大人~~~我想请教阅读,我每次都是拿到文章先读第一段,然后读每段的第一句,会做一点笔记,但有点花时间,楼主觉得记笔记需要嘛? 还有就是 最后一题非常容易错一个,LZ认为最后一题做题的方法是什么呀? 还有不好意思的问一下楼主一般平时练习TPO的时候错几个,我也不知道自己是什么水平啊~谢谢楼主!!!!要回我啊! -- by 会员 Grace1990 (2012/11/2 10:34:17)
Answer: 阅读和听力不一样,阅读是在你做题期间一直摆在那儿的,所以千万不要做笔记哦,这会浪费你很多时间。用脑子记就行了。
最后一题考的是对全文重要的论点和文章whole picture的掌握。读懂了就容易选了。读懂不是说读明白文章的每一字每一句,而是结构和段与段之间的逻辑关系!!!
一篇文章,短短20分钟,你不可能去读很多遍。 就读两遍。第一遍读文章,第二遍读段落(意思就是做题的时候,题目指向的段落在哪里就去读哪里)。
我做TPO的时候一篇文章一般错0-2个。三篇文章的话控制在5个以内。也有做得顺的时候一个都不错。说不准。 |