晕死 哪儿那么多胡说八道的 你只要没sign offer 拒offer是最正常不过的事情了 -- by 会员 huangyuhuan (2012/11/2 6:24:41)
楼上说的是正常申请吧,early decision里面的要求是: Candidates have decided that Columbia is their first choice and must sign the following statement of commitment within their applications: I am committed to attending Columbia Business School and will withdraw all applications and decline all offers from other schools upon admission to Columbia Business School. 这不去不光是败人品了吧。。。 -- by 会员 miaomiaoshen (2012/11/2 6:44:42)
不是有人先收了CBS ED,然后去了HBS的嘛……
就看天平另一边是什么了吧,呵呵 |