因为签证的原因,我在国外有一年没有工作。最近刚刚找到一个工作,工作经验上要把这个写上嘛? 我申请的学校中有个只要求说明responsibilities of current job. 我怎么说呀?刚刚才开始。 在这栏里面填之前那个好像有不大好。 等到几个月后,熟悉起来了再写, 就怕连second run 都过了。
以下是引用chipmunk在2004-11-7 0:31:00的发言: Even you just got hired, you still have some responsibilities in your new position. I'm sure you can figure out that.
Agree with chipmunk, you must have a job description upon taking the offer from your current employer, use those items on your current job description to fill out the form. I also have similar experience, I've been with my current employer for no more than 4 months. Don't worry too much, just be honest.