From the bark of the paper birch tree the Menomini crafted a canoe about twenty feet long and two feet wide, with small ribs and rails of cedar, which could carry four persons or eight hundred pounds of baggage so light that a person could easily portage it around impeding rapids.
From the bark of the paper birch tree the Menomini crafted a canoe about twenty feet long and two feet wide, with small ribs and rails of cedar, which could carry four persons or eight hundred pounds of baggage so light that a person could easily portage it around impeding rapids. (A) baggage so light (B) baggage being so light (C) baggage, yet being so light (D) baggage, and so light (E) (E) baggage yet was so light
From the bark of the paper birch tree the Menomini crafted a canoe about twenty feet long and two feet wide, with small ribs and rails of cedar, which could carry four persons or eight hundred pounds of baggage so light that a person could easily portage it around impeding rapids. (A) baggage so light (B) baggage being so light (C) baggage, yet being so light (D) baggage, and so light (E) (E) baggage yet was so light
you are not understand what the contrast the sentence is trying to convey
just figure out what are being contrasted
which can only modify canoe, because what precedes which is an non-essential modifier, you can eliminate this construction comfortably without creating any additional difficulties to understand the sentence
which is appearing in the non-underlined portion
it will only make sense to modify canoe, because only this item can carry people
that is the only correct interpretation you will get from non-underlined portion
do not try to find any mistakes in the non-underlined portion, just figure out what it should be correct