今年来学校做过宣讲的leadership program(包括internship)包括: J & J: International Recruitment Development Program (IRDP) Novozymes Amazon:China Consumer Leadership Development Program (CCLDP) Li & Fung: Program for Management Development (PMD)
hi, i am a career changer, interested in general management and rotational leadership program after mba. i am glad to see that 13% of hkust's graduate went to general management and leadership development program. however, i could hardly find more information about the companies that offer such program in hong kong or china region. my question is, can you please name a few of the companies that offer such leadership development program? especially the ones that hkust graduates got into? thanks in advance for your time! -- by 会员 tr1ckythe0ry (2012/12/12 7:07:42)