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发表于 2012-9-2 16:11:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



1you're actually asking the wrong question; the questionyou should be asking is when you should eliminate "being".
the answer to that question is, ROUGHLY, that you should avoid"being" when expressing the IDENTITY or CHARACTERISTICS of someindividual or thing. this is because "being" is usuallyunnecessary in such cases; there are simpler modifiers (such as appositives)that, while absolutely impossible to use in spoken language, are better inwritten language.
if "being" expresses IDENTITY or CHARACTERISTICS, then kill it.
otherwise, evaluate it on the same merits as you would any other verb.,
2in this case, "being" isn't a modifier; it's agerund (= NOUN type -ing form).
in fact, "being committed" is the subject of this sentence!

i.e., here "being heavily committed"
is like
Swimming is fun.
that's a complete sentence -- "swimming" is a noun (gerund). sinceit's a noun, it's not modifying anything.

in fact, i don't think you're EVER going to see "being X" as amodifier, because, in any such case, you could simply eliminate"being" to produce a more concise sentence.
Being tired from the party, I fell asleep in less than one minute -->not ok
Tired from the party, I fell asleep in less than one minute -->ok

首先第一种动名词,可以是being xxx作主语,或者是跟在介词后面,或者是固定搭配,比如avoid后面就要接名词词性的东西。
第二种表被动且进行时的被动,比如说with sth done和with sth being done在语法上都是对的,区别是什么呢,就是后者表示进行时。我自己分析了一下前人挑出来的being的正确句子,个人感觉比如句子整个是现在时的话,普遍都是需要being done的。



1. In his research paper, Dr. Frosh,medical director of the Payne Whitney Clinic, distinguishes between moodswings, which may be violent without being grounded in mental disease, andgenuine manic-depressive psychosis  (介词后面的动名词)
2. Archaeologists in Ireland believe that a recently discovered chalice, whichdates from the eighth century, was probably buried to keep it from being stolenby invaders  (
3. The recent surge in the number of airplane flights has clogged the nation'sair-traffic control system, leading to a 55-percent increase in delays atairports and prompting fears among some officials that safety is beingcompromised.
4. Referring to the current hostility toward smoking, smokers frequentlyexpress anxiety that their prospects for being hired(
介词后面的动名词) and promoted are being stunted(动词的被动关系,同时强调进行时) by their habit.  
5. Being heavily committed to a course of action, especially one that hasworked well in the past, is likely to make an executive miss signs of incipienttrouble or misinterpret them when they do appear. (
6. Frameed by traitorous colleagues, Alfred Dreyfus was imprisoned for twelveyears before being exonerated and freed. (B-p88-4) (
7. Revered by an ill-informed citizenry, the Duke of York was feted opulentlyfor several months before being denounced and exiled. (E-P13-1) (
8. Because the enemy
s new ship is the quietest and therefore the most elusive submarine, itis being increasingly viewed by the military as a threat to security.(A-P1-162) (动词的被动关系,同时强调进行时)
9. The computer software being designed for a project studying Native Americanaccess to higher education will not only meet the needs of that study, but alsohave the versatility and power to facilitate similar research endeavors.(D-P10-15)
10. The herbicide Oryzalin was still being produced in 1979, three years afterthe wives of workers producing the chemical in Rensselaer, New York, were foundto either to have had miscarriages or to have borne children with heartdefects; none of the pregnancies was normal. (A-P1-19)
11. Cooperative apartment houses have the peculiar distinction of beingdwelling that must also operate as business. (A-P1-126) (
12. During the recession of 1973, home mortgage foreclosures resulted in tensof thousands of Americans being evicted from homes for which they could nolonger afford monthly payments. (A-P1-204)
13. The federal government requires hospitals to tell Medicare patients thatthey have a legal right to challenge their discharge if they feel they arebeing sent home prematurely. (A-P1-205)
14. The company is negotiating to sell its profitable credit card subsidiaryand plans to use money from that sale to acquire some of the mortgage-servicingoperations that are being sold by troubled savings institutions.(D-p78-16)
15. Without hearing a word of what is being said or shouted, experiencedtraders on the floor of the stock exchange can listen to the hum of voicesaround them and tell what is happening. (A-P1-122)
16. During the 1950s, as part of their therapy, young polio victims learning tolive with their disabilities were helped to practice falling, so that theycould learn to fall without being hurt. (E-P42-10) (
17. Bob Wilber became Sidney Bechet
s student and protégé when he was nineteen and, for a few years in the 1940s, came as close to being a carbon copy ofthe jazz virtuoso in performance as anyone has ever come. “现目前为止” (介词后面的动名词)
18. Very reluctant to have any extra weight on his plane when he attempted hissolo transatlantic flight, Charles Lindbergh refused to carry even a pound ofmail, despite being offered $1,000 to do so. (
19. After more than four decades of research and development, a new type of jetengine is being tested that could eventually propel aircraft anywhere in theworld within two hours or help boost cargoes into space at significantly lowercosts than current methods permit.
20. Simply being genetically engineered does not make a plant any more likelyto become an invasive or persistent weed, according to a decade-long studypublished in the journal Nature. (
21. Performing a risky maneuver that required precision flying, space shuttleastronauts retrieved an orbiting satellite and simultaneously avoided beingrear-ended by a passing ultraviolet telescope.
avoid固定搭配,后接do or 名词,所以做动名词)
22. According to one expert, the cause of genetic irregularities in many breedsof dog is not so much that dogs are being bred for looks or to meet othernarrow criteria as that the breeds have relatively few founding members.
23. The survival of coral colonies, which are composed of innumerable tiny polypsliving in a symbiotic relationship with brilliantly colored algae, is beingthreatened, experts say, not only by pollutants such as agricultural runoff,oil slicks, and trash, but also by dropped anchors, probing divers, and globalwarming.
24. Lenders and building managers in the southwestern section of the cityreport that because of the renewed rental market in the area and the increasedwillingness of banks to lend money, apartment buildings are being rehabilitatedat a pace unseen for a decade.
25. A mixture of poems and short fiction, Jean Toomer's Cane has been calledone of the three best novels ever written by  a Black American
the others being Richard Wright's NativeSon and Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man. (为了防止run on,所以不能用正常的谓语动词,做动名词?此处不确定)
26. A new hair-growth drug is being sold for three times the price, permilligram, that the drug's maker charges for another product with the sameactive ingredient.
27. Very reluctant to have any extra weight on his plane when he attempted hissolo transatlantic flight, Charles Lindbergh refused to carry even a pound ofmail, despite being offered $1,000 to do so. (
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发表于 2012-9-3 14:58:52 | 只看该作者
辛苦了哇 楼主
发表于 2012-9-13 16:31:29 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-9-13 17:10:49 | 只看该作者

be being done 现在进行时的被动语态
238. (GWD-4-4) A new hair-growth drug is being sold for three times the price, per milligram, that the drug's maker charges for another product with the same active ingredient.
94.  The recent surge in the number of airplane flights has clogged the nation's air-traffic control system, leading to a 55 percent increase in delays at airports and prompting fear among some officials that safety is being compromised.
According to one expert, the cause of genetic irregularities in many breeds of dog is not so much that dogs are being bred for looks or to meet other narrow criteria as that the breeds have relatively few founding members.
The survival of coral colonies, which are composed of innumerable tiny polyps living in a symbiotic relationship with brilliantly colored algae, is being threatened, experts say, not only by pollutants such as agricultural runoff, oil slicks, and trash, but also by dropped anchors, probing divers, and global warming.
Lenders and building managers in the southwestern section of the city report that because of the renewed rental market in the area and the increased willingness of banks to lend money, apartment buildings are being rehabilitated at a pace unseen for a decade.
n(prep) + being done
56.Archeologists in Ireland believe that a recently discovered chalice, which dates from the eighth century, was probably buried to keep it frombeing stolen by invaders.
Performing a risky maneuver that required precision flying, space shuttle astronauts retrieved an orbiting satellite and simultaneously avoidedbeing rear-ended by a passing ultraviolet telescope.
183. (GWD-6-Q22) Very reluctant to have any extra weight on his plane when he attempted his solo transatlantic flight, Charles Lindbergh refused to carry even a pound of mail, despite being offered $1,000 to do so.
101. Being heavily committed to a course of action, especially one that has worked well in the past, is likely to make an executive miss signs of incipient trouble or misinterpret them when they do appear.
103.Simply being genetically engineered does not make a plant any more likely to become an invasive or persistent weed, according to a decade-long study published in the journal Nature.
nbeing + N
235. (GWD-9-Q1) A mixture of poems and short fiction, Jean Toomer's Cane has been called one of the three best novels ever written bya Black American—the others being Richard Wright's Native Son and Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man.
发表于 2012-12-26 12:32:19 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-12-26 12:49:10 | 只看该作者
这么能打字啊,眼晕 ,纯飘过。
发表于 2013-3-28 17:07:51 | 只看该作者
我发现being+被动语态的模式叫做 progressive passive, 各位可以google 或者 wikipedia.
发表于 2013-6-23 00:43:18 | 只看该作者
25. A mixture of poems and short fiction, Jean Toomer's Cane has been calledone of the three best novels ever written by  a Black American—the others being Richard Wright's NativeSon and Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man. (为了防止run on,所以不能用正常的谓语动词,做动名词?此处不确定)

回覆25.是獨立主格結構 ... amp;highlight=being
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