-- by 会员 moffy (2012/8/23 17:06:54)
-- by 会员 SAIFMBA (2012/8/23 17:56:05)
-- by 会员 ctoi (2012/8/23 20:49:02)
张春在中欧是副院长, 在高金也是副院长, 回国前是Minnesota大学讲席教授.
买股票赔钱算不了什么. John Paulson 2011年赔了5亿, 但2009赚头20亿, 2007年37亿, 2010年50亿. 胜败乃兵家常事, 何况教授也不是基金经理.
Mr. Paulson was fourth on the 2009 annual ranking of top earners in the hedge fund industry by AR: Absolute Return+Alpha magazine. He came in second in 2008 with reported gains of $2 billion.
And Paulson & Company’s performance in 2007 was estimated to be the best of any hedge fund, according to several publications. According to Institutional Investor’s Alpha magazine, Mr. Paulson himself made $3.7 billion, at the time considered the richest bounty in Wall Street history.
Mr. Paulson
personally made about $5 billion in 2010, according to two investors in his company. While he made $4 billion betting against newfangled mortgage investments, he made even more betting on gold.
But newer investors have watched their accounts erode. While the performance of a number of big hedge funds has been held flat in 2011 by choppy markets, Paulson & Company began experiencing big losses early on. The firm lost nearly $500 million on a failed investment in a Chinese timber concern after a researcher betting against the stock accused the company of fraud. Later, as the markets fell on European debt concerns, Paulson & Company’s portfolio tumbled along with it.
-- by 会员 newboyss (2012/8/24 5:47:31)