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看了其他818战友的似乎香港题目很不同啊 ><.....
Issue: People's behavior are determined by the forces not of their own making. Argument: 34 The vice president of human resources atClimpson Industries sent the following recommendation to the company'spresident. "In an effort to improve ouremployees' productivity, we should implement electronic monitoring ofemployees' Internet use from their workstations. Employees who use the Internetfrom their workstations need to be identified and punished if we are to reducethe number of work hours spent on personal or recreational activities, such asshopping or playing games. By installing software to detect employees' Internetuse on company computers, we can prevent employees from wasting time, foster abetter work ethic at Climpson, and improve our overall profits." Write a response in which you examine thestated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how theargument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for theargument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.
Verbal 单词一个都想不起来了。。只记得阅读有这么几个:
1. 鹿背上的hamp(逻辑单题) 现有化石无法确定古代的一种鹿背上是不是humped。后来考古学家发现了一个洞窟里图片画了有hump的鹿,那么考虑到XXXX unmistakable,这是可信的。后来又说有人质疑这个画只是为了某种仪式ritual画的,不一定真实。但这是不足以担忧的,因为——————选最能符合上下文的一个原因:我选的是考古学家们发现洞里的其他画都非常写实。
2. 关于彗星的pristine relics.也是机经阅读,说太阳会对成分造成影响,问的比较简单。
3. 有一篇讲一个歌剧的composer,可能是Baron Lloyd-Webber,不记得了,因为提到过他除了在cats的Growltiger's Last Stand 以外,其他作品都受某一种音乐风格影响,但是因为歌剧评论家一般不了解音乐方面,都认为他很有创新性什么的
4.有一个讲beaver的分类的,有bank beaver和dam beaver,原先认为区别是会不会build dam,后来发现bank beaver其实也会
数学 和我2月一战的时候比好像变难一些。。需要用笔写写算算的了,不像一战的时候笔都不需要动,看来ETS也给亚洲加难度的了么。。。不过overall还是挺简单的,只是有些题变得一眼看不出来而已,还有一些有trick了不再直来直去的。。 |