不过如果我申请的时候不说我是CGA本科呢。。。。成绩单学位证上显示都是会计学。。 -- by 会员 seaweed (2012/8/21 21:56:17)
我是真心想读27M的啊。27个月的就一个会计本科的先例都没吗!!我怎么说六门课里也有一门也没到要求啊,只有悲剧的70出头。好吧,那先寄了材料。LZ那个PS貌似不用吧,只看到3篇PS和一个resume,还有推荐信。还有一个问题是,我大四一年只有一门课,然后那门课还只有80。。。所以这个80就是我final year的分数了么。。。会不会太扯了。我专业课程GPA其实能到3.7/4.0的说。。。 -- by 会员 seaweed (2012/8/23 21:16:32)
目前没见过~~有可能他们成绩都比较好~~ 哪个PS不用? 他们看的是你大学生涯中最后25%的课程 不是机械地按照年份来的~~而且所有课程都看 不是只看专业课~~ -- by 会员 utsclisa (2012/8/23 22:07:00)
完了 我想起来我营销才71= = 是一定要达到B-才承认吗? 那卷子给分太变态了 除了一个老师打分高其他班平均都60几 不想刷分啊 可以直接去修网课么? -- by 会员 淘气oO菁 (2012/8/23 23:05:04)
是的 MMPA B-才算及格 低于B-的本来就要重修的~~ 可以修网课 很多人都在网上修那门mkting~~ -- by 会员 utsclisa (2012/8/24 0:05:39)
求网课地址吖。。随时都能修的咯? -- by 会员 淘气oO菁 (2012/8/24 0:41:10)
这个你报名的时候MMPA会给你指定 我也不知道地址~~我6们都是本科修的~~ -- by 会员 utsclisa (2012/8/24 6:56:47)
那他是给你offer之后让你修还是等你修完了再开始审理啊? -- by 会员 淘气oO菁 (2012/8/24 10:41:11)
好像修的同时可以拿着conditional offer办签证吧?他们不太敢影响办签证的事情~~反正你需要提交成绩来换取正式offer~~ 不是十分确定 请修过的大神们莅临指正~~ -- by 会员 utsclisa (2012/8/24 14:48:20)
他们发正式Offer还需要提交什么文件吗?是不是一定得等到毕业证书下来才能给正式offer? lisa前面帖子里说的27m都是没毕业就提早过去的是咋回事呢? 如果我5月能把答辩神马的搞定(或是到时回来答辩),但是毕业证书得6月才拿到,可以申27m吗? -- by 会员 pye34878 (2012/9/6 0:25:58)
You don't need you diploma or official offer to start your 27m MMPA program~~Everything can be done with the conditional offer~~ But in order to get the official offer (a piece of useless paper that makes you feel you're really a part of the program), you'll need to submit a copy of your diploma to MMPA. Many of the 27m students let their family mail the diploma to Canada once it's out or go back to China during the break (mid aug to early sept) and bring it to Canada~~ -- by 会员 utsclisa (2012/9/6 4:19:46)
Wow~This is really good news for me. Thanks a lot! So I will still try to apply for 27m. By the way, if I get the unofficial offer and send course outline of the 6 courses after then, can I apply for turning to 24m stream? Do they directly put me into 24m or reconsider all my material? Is there any deadline for this? Still before the application deadline(December, 2012)? -- by 会员 pye34878 (2012/9/6 8:18:16)
补交course outline可以直接转24m 今年我们有个27m5月份开学前才转成24m的~~ |