The intricate structure of the compound insect eye, having hundreds of miniature eyes called ommatidia, help explain why scientists have assumed that it evolved independently of the vertebrate eye.
7. The intricate structure of the compound insect eye, having hundreds of miniature eyes called ommatidia, help explain why scientists have assumed that it evolved independently of the vertebrate eye. (A) having hundreds of miniature eyes called ommatidia, help explain why scientists have assumed that it (B) having hundreds of miniature eyes that are called ommatidia, helps explain why scientists have assumed that they (C) with its hundreds of miniature eyes that are called ommatidia, helps explain scientists' assuming that they (D) with its hundreds of miniature eyes called ommatidia, help explain scientists' assuming that it (E) with its hundreds of miniature eyes called ommatidia, helps explain why scientists have assumed that it (E) having 与 with 修饰 有嘛区别 with 不是也是修饰 主语 的 凡遇到with 必晕 求 NN们解释