While it costs about the same to run nuclear plants as other types of power plants, it is the fixed costs that stem from building nuclear plants that makes it more expensive for them to generate electricity.
请教OG13 SC107 107. While it costs about the same to run nuclear plants as other types of power plants, it is the fixed costs that stem from building nuclear plants that makes it more expensive for them to generate electricity. (A) While it costs about the same to run nuclear plants as other types of power plants, it is the fixed costs that stem from building nuclear plants that makes it more expensive for them to generate electricity. (B) While the cost of running nuclear plants is about the same as for other types of power plants, the fixed costs that stem from building nuclear plants make the electricity they generate more expensive. (C) Even though it costs about the same to run nuclear plants as for other types of power plants, it is the fixed costs that stem from building nuclear plants that makes the electricity they generate more expensive. (D) It costs about the same to run nuclear plants as for other types of power plants, whereas the electricity they generate is more expensive, stemmingfrom the fixed costs of building nuclear plants. (E) The cost of running nuclear plants is about the same as other types of power plants, but the electricity they generate is made more expensive because of the fixed costs stemming from building nuclear plants.
我看了解释了,我理解是这样的,他说后半句的it is x that does y,是强调x这个原因,那么应该有另一个原因跟他比较时候才好用,后半句将核电厂固定资产投资高造成发电贵,那么good reason 应该是:而不是z原因导致发电贵 这里的前半句则是:核电厂和其他电厂运营费相同 原题前半句和后半句是顺承关系,而强调句型应该是转折关系,即“不是。。造成的,而是。。。造成的” 用了强调,讲不通 奇怪,明明是语法题
good reason:it is that只能用在强调that后面从句的动作发出者时用。 此句当中并不需要。且作为参考:gmat当中普遍将it is 。。。that结构认为redundant。 其实解析选项前的那段话就说明了这个good reason,大N们普遍认为选项解析前的那段话才是重点,不可忽略。
1)首先本题中有个转折关系 (无论是while, even though,还是whereas的运用)
1)后半句强调某个对象: 张三的工资比李四高,但是李四才是更勤奋的人。 -----> make no sense, 前半句比工资呢,后半句强调李四勤奋,这有转折关系吗?
2)后半句也是比较关系: 张三的公司比李四高,但是李四更加勤奋。 -----> make sense 前半句比工资,后半句比谁跟勤奋, 更勤奋的人工资却不比别人高,这才是合乎逻辑的转折关系