我觉得第7楼,8楼和15楼的同学说得非常好~~~ 补充下我的想法吧,这题先看句意,有逻辑上的因果关系,然后注意到各个选项的开头是个split,"comma + v-ing"完美表达因果逻辑,而"and"(表并列) 和 "which"都不行,因此直接排除CDE. 在A和B里面找差异点,首先映入眼帘的是"the rate" VS. "their rate",这是很明显的线索——pronoun issue. " the rate at which they burn energy"要好过" their rate of burning energy",原因: 1. they burn energy意思很明确,they指的是male emperor penguins;而their rate of burning energy其中their也可以理解为指代eggs啊; 2. "the rate at which ..."类似这样的表达是GMAT非常喜欢的scholarly english,类似的还有"do so" "the case with" "whose rank includes"...当然这是做题总结形成的感觉。 到这里虽已经对A有好感,但我不敢100%确定,继续看: A有so that,B没有。B的语法有问题。至此可以确定选A了。 B还有个"when compared with",这个问题大了!首先,"compared with"不能和比较级(这里的"lower")联用。 WRONG: Compared to an apple, a pear is sweeter. RIGHT: Compared to an apple, a pear is sweet. 其次,什么叫做" when compared"? 通常" when compared"都是逻辑上错误的。 Read literally!!!WRONG: When compared to an apple, a pear is sweet. 这句话的"when"相当于"if ... then ..."逻辑:当被比较的时候,bla bla. 换句话说,这句子要说的意思是,当进行比较的时候,梨子是甜的。难道说——咱人不进行比较,梨子就不甜了?梨子甜,这是梨子本身的属性,跟人们是否进行比较无关,所以"when compared"的逻辑就是错误的,去掉"when"才对。 至于A的比较的表达,"than it would be for ...",类似句子见OG13 #107.
In order to conserve the energy and heat they need to spend the entire winter sitting motionless overincubating eggs, male emperor penguins huddle over the nests in groups, thereby reducing the rate atwhich they burn energy so that it is 25 percent lower than it would be for isolated birds. thereby reducing the rate at which they burn energy so that it is 25 percent lower than it would be for thereby reducing their rate of burning energy it is 25 percent lower when compared with and they thereby reduce by 25 percent the rate they burn energy, as compared to what it would bewith which thereby reduces by 25 percent their rate of burning energy, when comparing them to which thereby reduces the rate they burn energy so that it is 25 percent lower than
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答案A 这个题长得确实是有点儿残,木有办法,从CD上下载的那个PREP2012 PACK1里头的,我实在是还原不了了~~~
比较题嘛 我是总是做不对的 尤其是碰上这种长一点儿的 复杂点儿的
拿到这个题,怎么判断比什么然后快速锁定观察选项的比较点呢??? 那位大牛指点一下我吧~
-- by 会员 ttgttg (2012/7/26 18:21:15)
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/7/27 7:58:43)
这么细致入微的讲解~懂捏~ |