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看到的,贴给大家~~~~ 大家可以朝着这个方向努力哈~~ 作者: Sanjoy Das, Assistant Professor, Kansas State University Ph.D. 1994,Louisiana State University. Evolutionary algorithms, neural networks,artificial intelligence, discrete optimization. Internationalapplicants seeking assistantship/admission: please do not send me emailsblindly without reading this. Every day Ireceive emails from international candidates for information, for advice, andespecially requesting financial assistance. Unfortunately, I delete most ofthem without even reading them carefully. I get so many irrelevant emailsthat cannot reply to each. Extremely rarely has one caught myattention. Please do not send me emails without reading this first. I am onlyinterested in corresponding to candidates who are exceptional, andhave a strong interest and experience in my immediate area of specialization,and I highly prefer ones with a Master's degree. Here are twosample letters: A sample letterthat will never get the candidate an assistantship with me: Unwanted email Respected sir, I am veryinterested in going to the US for higher studies. I am seeking admission andfinancial assistance in your esteemed University. I am very interested inartificial intelligence and computer architecture. I have programmingexperience in C++, C and java. I am also familiar with several softwarepackages in the Windows environment (MS Word, Excel Spreadsheet etc.).I also have networking certification from NOVELL. My GRE score is 2050,and I got 99 percentile in the TOEFL exam. I request you to spare a few momentsfrom your precious time to go through myattached resume. Sir - if you are kind enough to offer me assistantship, Ipromise to work very hard for you. I have a very good academic record sinceprimary school. Alternately, can you tell me what are my chances of gettingassistantship from your department? Can you kindly inform me about the lastdates for Summer term 2002 before which I can apply? Thank you for yourvaluable time, Yoursobediently ABC My comments: Isimply delete these emails, which I consider garbage . The person seems to betoo obsequious and flattering. In the emails that I do read(occasionally), I do a first scan for keywords like "precious","respected" etc. deleting the email if I find one. Obviously theperson is not professional enough. The person is interested in artificialintelligence and computer architecture - these are quite unrelated areas,making me think that he is trying to cover as many professors as possible toget aid from any possible source. Besides, he does not have anything in supportof his claim (about his interest in artificial intelligence). He emphasizes onhis software skills, making me think that his goal is to get a programming job in the US and higher studies is only toallow him access to the US job market. His GRE scores are OK, but notexceptional. He asks me to tell him what his chances of getting anassistantship are, elsewhere in the department. I have absolutely no way offinding that out, and even if I knew, I would not bother to reply back. He alsoasks me to give him information about summer deadlines. How am I supposed toknow that? (I would typically expect that this information should be availablefrom the University web site, or from the grad school, but my guess is as goodas yours.) Finally, this letter is too generic . He probably uses exactly thesame format for hundreds of email letters to various professors throughout the country,leaving no stone uncovered. I receive hundreds of email like this. Regretfully,I cannot answer everyone, and these applications do not interest me at all. Now, here is aletter that would DEFINITELY attract my attention: Excellent email Dear Prof. Das, I am applying toKSU (amongst other places) for a Ph.D., and I am very interested in yourresearch areas. I would like to explore the possibility of doing my researchwith you, with financial support. One possible area that would interest me alot is in applying Tikhonov regularization to your problem in computationalneuroscience, since I understand that neural data can be very noisy, and yetsparse. Alternately, I am also interested in applying evolutionary algorithmsto your genetic neural network parameter estimation. One of my other interests in in parallelprocessing. Are you considering parallel implementations for any of youroptimization/estimation algorithms? Considering that the projects that you listin your web site would probably be very computationally intensive, that may bea worthwhile strategy to pursue. I presented a paper entitled "HybridGradient Descent Based Training of Probabilistic Recurrent Networks" inthe International Conference on Neural Networksand Image Processing, Bangalore, last year. It is a reviewed publication. Ifhave attached a copy of the article in pdf format. If you have available funds, and areinterested in my application please let me know soon. Yours obediently XYZ My comments: Thisis a straightforward letter from someone with a genuine interest in my area .He is an exceptional candidate. He has evinced a keen desire to learn, andalready has considerable mastery over my area of research . If I have anyfunding available, I would definitely try my very BEST to get this person .This person may have an MS degree, while many applicants have only a BS degree. |