62. Rivaling the pyramids of Egypt or even the ancient
cities of the Maya as an achievement, the army of
terra-cotta warriors created to protect Qin Shi Huang,
China's first emperor, in his afterlife is more than
2.000 years old and took 700.000 artisans more than
(A) the army of terra-cotta warriors created to protect
Qin Shi Huang, China's first emperor, in his afterlife
is more than 2,000 years old and took 700,000
artisans more than 36 years to complete
(B) Qin Shi Huang, China's first emperor, was
protected in his afterlife by an army of terra
cotta warriors that was created more than
2,000 years ago by 700,000 artisans who took
more than 36 years to complete it
(C) it took 700,000 artisans more than 36 years to
create an army of terra-cotta warriors, more than
2,000 years ago that would protect Qin Shi
Huang, China's first emperor, in his afterlife
(D) more than 2,000 years ago, 700,000 artisans
worked more than 36 years to create an army of
terra-cotta warriors to protect Qin Shi Huang,
China's first emperor, in his afterlife
(E) more than 36 years were needed to complete
the army of terra-cotta warriors that 700,000
artisans created 2,000 years ago to protect Qin
Shi Huang, China's first emperor, in his afterlife
我知道这道题选择A,这里的问题是在C中如果对后半部分修改,使得形式主语it能够指代the army of terra-cotta warriors,那么经过这样的修改后,可否认为C项在rivaling这个dangling modifier考点上无错误,说白了就是:如果形式主语指代对象的刚可以作为句首rivaling的修饰对象,也就是比较对象是对等的,那么能否认为句子这样写(rivaling....,it is .....that X.....)是对的,还是无论形式主语的指代对象能不能做rivaling的修饰对象,句子必须写成(rivaling....,X.......)