126. The use of lie detectors is based on the assumption that lying produces emotional reactions in an individual
that, in turn, create unconscious physiological responses.
(A) that, in turn, create unconscious physiological responses
(B) that creates unconscious physiological responses in turn
(C) creating, in turn, unconscious physiological responses
(D) to create, in turn, physiological responses that are unconscious
(E) who creates unconscious physiological
responses in turn
如果后面句子的逻辑说的通,因为这道题我就觉得B选项creates unconscious physiological responses修饰individual是完全解释的通的,B的错误OG的解释是create的主谓不一致,也就是说OG认为是不可能修饰individual”),而事实上OG强调的是cause-and-effect sequence (见OG第一段),那么这个逻辑关系就是:
lying -----> emotional reactions (in an individual) ------> unconscious physiological responses
而B的逻辑,是说an individual creates unconscious physiological responses
这不合逻辑,或者也可以说distort the intended meaning.
OG的解释,是在先明确了句子的逻辑关系之后,即明确了create "unconscious physiological responses"这个动作的主语必然是"emotional reactions (in an individual)"之后,再来说B存在的s-v agreeement的问题。
Because an oversupply of computer chips has sent prices plunging, the manufacturer has announced that
it will cut production by closing its factories for two days a month.
(A) Because an oversupply of computer chips has sent prices plunging,
(B) Because of plunging prices for computer chips, which is due to an oversupply,
(C) Because computer chip prices have been sent plunging, which resulted from an oversupply,
(D) Due to plunging computer chip prices from an oversupply,
(E) Due to an oversupply, with the result that computer chip prices have been sent plunging,
是plunging prices这个东东?("because of plunging prices for computer chips")?
还是这么一件事情: "an oversupply of computer chips has sent prices plunging" ?
Again, OG第一段说的很清楚:
This sentence describes a causal sequence of events: The oversupply of chips caused prices to plunge, which in turn caused the manufacturer to announce factory closings to cut production.
OG给出的它错误的原因是is 和 prices主谓不一致,很明显which也是准确修饰到了核心词prices,同问题1,能不能根据后面句子的逻辑使WHICH修饰到chips。 "
你会发现OG的思路跟你不一样,OG是先搞明白作者要表达什么意思,然后才是这个意思该如何表达。比如这题,根据逻辑关系,是什么东东"which is due to oversupply"? 是chips本身么?显然不是。
(B) Because of plunging prices for computer chips, which is due to an oversupply,
"which is due to an oversupply"从逻辑上根本就不可能描述的是chips,就哪怕是描述一个名词那也是描述的prices. 所以才说s-v agreement错误。
首先看OG121题126. The use of lie detectors is based on the assumption that lying produces emotional reactions in an individual that, in turn, create unconscious physiological responses.
THAT在这道题里面是指代reactions的 这是因为 reactions in an individual中的in an individual是reactions的一个NOUN MODIFER,那么reactions就是这整个介词结构中的核心词,于是THAT可以指代跳跃in an individual指代reactions.
Marconi conceived of the radio as a tool for private conversation that could substitute for the telephone; instead, it has become
THAT跳跃修饰了tool这是因为 a tool for private conversation中的for private conversation是tool的一个NOUN MODIFER基本和上句的结构和指代关系是一致的。
正确:Originally developed for detecting air pollutants,a technique called proton-induced X-rayemission, which can quickly analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it,
错误:A technique originally developed for detectingair pollutants, called proton-induced X-rayemission, which can quickly analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it,
OG里面的解释是在正确的句子中which正确指代了了a technique这是因为后面的called
proton-induced X-rayemission其实是分词结构做为 a technique的NOUNMODIFER所以which
跳跃指代了a technique,错误的选项中,OG给出的解释是WHICH修饰了X-rayemission,因为called短语已经没有紧跟A TECHNIQUE构成a technique called proton-induced X-rayemission 这样一个名词成分。
那么问题来了。。也许是我没注意到。。 同志们别拍砖。。
如OG106里produces emotional reactions in an individual that,这个that能不能或者在什么情况下能直接指代individual,如果后面句子的逻辑说的通,因为这道题我就觉得B选项creates unconscious physiological responses修饰individual是完全解释的通的,B的错误OG的解释是create的主谓不一致,也就是说OG认为是不可能修饰individual
33. OG33 Because an oversuoply of computer chips has sentprices plunging, the manufacturer has announced that it will cut production by closing its factories for two days a month.这是正确句子
Because of plunging prices for computer chips,
which is due to an oversupply,
OG给出的它错误的原因是is 和 prices主谓不一致,很明显which也是准确修饰到了核心词prices,同问题1,能不能根据后面句子的逻辑使WHICH修饰到chips。
-- by 会员 2881665 (2012/5/22 17:23:31)
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/7/30 16:41:51)