essay的写作被公认为是件比较头疼的事情. 看各位NN的叙述, 在MBA的申请中,essay很可能占最重要的位置了.
我想提议, 大家在CD上对各种essay的topic讨论一下,就像GMAT和TOFEL的作文区对各题讨论一样.希望在讨论的过程中能加深对topic的理解,顿悟或得到灵感吧. 另外,不少essay都需要对所申请的MBA program有所了解, 也希望过来人能在此驻足一下, 给点"内部"消息,.
- Write your life story in one page or less.
- Why do you want to earn MBA? In an ideal scenario, what would you be doing in fifteen years?
- What is your understanding of how Darden is different from the other schools to which you are applying? What do you feel Darden is a good fit for you?
- Describe your most rewarding leadership experience and what it means to your development as a potential leader?
- (optional) Please use this opportunity to present any additional information that would assist the Admissions Committee in the evaluation of your candidacy.
这是Darden今年的题目, 2,3,4的定位都是比较明确的,常见;问题是这里的topic 1怎么定位(,就一页,double space,写工作还是personal的东西, personal的话写一两件事还是要把个人的生活给个outline?
2, MIT(sloan) 要求除essay外还有一篇500字的cover letter,这篇cover letter在整个package里面怎么定位? 和essay又是什么关系? cover letter里面写道的东西,essay里面又重复,是不是不太好?