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楼主: zhongshanlh
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OG12 51关于插入语的问题,以前没有注意过啊还真

 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-11 22:54:55 | 只看该作者


我们常见到的插入语的形式有adj. adv. 分词、不定式,名词,还有Ron举得那种半截的"some scientists have said"。adj. adv. 分词、不定式我觉得一般都可以直接忽略,因为他们都是做的是修饰成分,也就是有没有都不会产生语法上的影响,名词的话,我就倾向于把他理解成同位语去理解。
当adv /介词短语 等可以做adverbial modifier的成分做插入语的时候有些时候是描述的前后两句的关系,有些时候是补充说明其所在的句子中某个动作发出的方式啊时间等等,我感觉基本都是充当一个状语的角色等等(这里是凭感觉说的,因为题目太多了,肯定得具体题目具体分析...你明白意思就好....)
Ron举得那种半截的"some scientists have said"让我想到了夹心修饰。不知道你还记不记得OG-118:

The World Wildlife Fund has declared that global warming, a phenomenon most scientists agree to be caused bv human beings in burning fossil fuels, will create havoc among migratory birds by altering the environment in ways harmful to their habitats.
(c)a phenomenon that most scientists agree is caused by human beings' burning of fossil fuels,

我觉得C其实可以这样改一下:a phenomenon that , most scientists agree, is caused by human beings' burning of fossil fuels,
A. it hampers the ability of some children for distinguishing discrete sounds and words and, the result is, to make
to make就做了the resule is的表语了,the result在逻辑上应该是指前面的inability to distinguish。

但是在这个题目中,这个the result is这个插入语的结构是个主谓结构,然后我们再结合Ron的解释“"you can't insert "the result is" as a parenthetical. if you're ever going to use this sort of parenthetical, it should be an attribution ("..., some scientists have said, ...")"
我得出的想法就是如果我们使用这种主谓(或者这种主系 ,whatever就这种半截子的结构的话)那么这个插入语就要跟其后面的成分发生语法上的联系了,什么意思呢,核心点也就是Ron解释中的这个“attribution”归属、属性。
举例子,比如你说的把118这个句子中改为这个形式:a phenomenon that , most scientists agree, is caused by human beings' burning of fossil fuels,这个插入语most scientists agree后面这一段话其实就是scientists agree 的内容,即“归属于”scientists这个动作的。
再来看这个让俺纠结的51题,如果上面俺自己说的这一大通没有错误的话(纯粹是我自己乱想来想去不知道能不能说通的一个说法...),那么the result is 后面的这段话“to make...”其实就是 这个result了。
当然以上这些纯粹是自己的猜想,不知道是不是这样子的,我在Manhattan forum里面也留了言,不知道Ron大神会不会回复....或者1年后会不会理一下...

-- by 会员 teddybearj4 (2012/5/9 20:04:48)

-- by 会员 zhongshanlh (2012/5/9 21:11:18)

-- by 会员 teddybearj4 (2012/5/9 23:40:23)

话说我刚刚自己总结了上面的东西,在看prep的一道题目的时候就感觉总结的ms不太对了。。。。oh my god。。。
200. (T-3-Q14)
A scrub jay can rememberwhen it cached a particular piece of food in a particular place, researchershave discovered, and tend not to bother to recover a perishable treat ifstored long enough to have rotted.
A.    tend not to bother to recover a perishable treat if
B.    they tend not to bother recovering a perishable treat
C.    tending not to bother to recover a perishable treat it
D.     tends not to botherrecovering a perishable treat      (D)
E.    tends not bothering to recover a perishable treat it
 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-11 22:56:29 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-5-12 11:23:33 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-14 19:24:07 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-6-5 10:31:11 | 只看该作者
A 中the result is,to make... 这里暂且视为主谓结构的插入语,就是上面讨论的“半截子结构”的吧,通常插入语应该后前后分句不发生关系的,也就是可以在句中直接忽略的,但是这里 如果我们将“the result is to make..."完全可以make sense,所以OG说在这里,“the result is..." make a new clause.
再看C, "the result of this,they are unable to make"先不论this是否可以单独指代,如果我们把这两句话用一个谓语连接起来变成“the result of this is that they are unable to make...”也可以make sense,因此OG说,这里也是a new clause but need a verb.
而这个例子中:A scrub jay can rememberwhen it cached a particular piece of food in a particular place, researchershave discovered, and tend not to bother to recover a perishable treat ifstored long enough to have rotted.
如果我们把“researchers have discovered "视为一个新的主谓成分,那我们试着将它与后半部分联系起来看看:researchers have discovered and tend not to ... discover what?和tend to 平行?都不make sense啊,所以在这里是独立的插入语成分,无另外的意思;
这句话中:a phenomenon that most scientists agree is caused by human beings' burning of fossil fuels

发表于 2012-6-5 10:43:05 | 只看该作者
受到Ron的启发,发现200. (T-3-Q14)这个例子可以写成:
Reseachers have discovered that{ A scrub jay can remember when... and tend not to ...}
A scrub jay can remember when..., reseachers have discovered, and tend not to...

发表于 2012-6-6 01:29:42 | 只看该作者
嗯,因为X of Y 是X position Y的一种情况之一,但是从含以上看,of一般表示的是X是Y的一个组成部分(我们可以理解为of Y就是一个所谓的mission critical modifier),所以用which指代的时候,严格从句意上来看的话,一般咱们都说的是Y中的X怎么怎么了,也是把X of Y视为一个整体。
对于其他介词,其实道理跟上面的X position Y是相同的,既然后面的的介词成分是mission critical modifier,那么我们如果想指代前面的X的话,理所应当的应当把对X进行限定性修饰的成分也一起包含在内,所以我觉得很多时候,X position Y的结构都是指代的整个的整体。
if you have "X of Y, which..."
* if Y works as the antecedent of "which", then "which" should stand for Y.
* if Y doesn't work as the antecedent, but "X of Y" DOES work, then "which" can stand for "X of Y".

还有LZ我看到你以前的帖子了,这句话的意思是不是说which其实可以指代X OF Y这个意群呢?
if you have "X + preposition + Y, which..."
* if Y works (in terms of both grammar and common sense) as the antecedent of "which", then "which" should stand for Y.
* if Y doesn't work as the antecedent, but "X + prep + Y" DOES work, then "which" can stand for "X (+ prep + Y)".(这次Ron加了括号····)
这个是不是说其实which还是在指代X这个NOUN,因为prep+y实际上是作为一个adj/adv去修饰X的,我又查了一遍Manhattan,它对which用法的解释是:use which only to refer to the noun immediately preceding it ,这里的noun指的就是这个X吧,把prep+y看做一个后置的modifier,而不是指代
X + prep + Y这several nouns 吧···
-- by 会员 llssyy93 (2012/5/5 18:28:35)

-- by 会员 zhongshanlh (2012/5/7 10:54:36)

一般例子就不用举了,只举个比较特别例子“A of B, which”(注:这里的of表示从属关系
1The commission proposed that funding for development of the park, which could be open to the public early next year, be obtained through a local bond issue.

2,Construction of the Roman Colosseum, which was officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater, began in A.D.69, during the reign of Vespasian, and was completed the Colosseum with a one-hundred-day cycle of religious pageants, gladitorial games, and spectacles.

Flavian Amphitheatre福雷维安圆形剧场

In laboratory rats, a low dose of aspirin usually suffices to block production of thromboxane, a substance that promotes blood clotting, but does not seriously interfere with the production of prostacyclin, which prevents clotting.
prostacyclin n.【生物化学、药物】环前列腺素,前列腺环素,
The survival of coral colonies, which are composed of innumerable tiny polyps living in a symbiotic relationship with brilliantly colored algae, is being threatened, experts say, not only by pollutants such as agricultural runoff, oil slicks, and trash, but also by dropped anchors, probing divers, and global warming.,
In attempting to solve the problems caused by a lowering of the price of oil, oil companies operating in the North Sea have taken a variety of approaches, which include reducing employment, using new technology to pump oil more efficiently from smaller fields, and finding innovative ways to cut the cost of building and operating platforms.,
这些例子都能说明从属关系“A of Bwhich”中的which就近修饰紧邻的名词B。但是需要注意的是,在“SVO,which”句型中,如果which指代S一定错误,which如果指代主语,这样使用:s+verb,which
From the bark of the paper birch tree the Menomini crafted a canoe about twenty feet long and two feet wide, with small ribs and rails of cedar, which could carry four persons or eight hundred pounds of baggage so light that a person could easily portage it around impeding rapids.

(A)baggage so light

(B) baggage being so light
(C) baggage, yet being so light
(D) baggage, and so light
(E) baggage yet was so light


Emily Dickinson’s letters to Susan Huntington Dickinson were written over a period beginning a few years before Susan’s marriage to Emily’s brother and ending shortly before Emily’s death in 1886, outnumbering her letters to anyone else.

A,Dickinson were written over a period beginning a few years before Susan’s marriage to Emily’s brother and ending shortly before Emily’s death in 1886, outnumbering

B,Dickinson were written over a period that begins a few years before Susan’s marriage to Emily’s brother and ended shortly before Emily’s death in 1886, outnumber

C,Dickinson, written over a period beginning a few years before Susan’s marriage to Emily’s brother and that ends shortly before Emily’s death in 1886and outnumbering

D,Dickinson, which were written over a period beginning a few years before Susan’s marriage to Emily’s brother, ending shortly before Emily’s death in 1886, and outnumbering

E,Dickinson, which were written over a period beginning a few years before Susan’s marriage to Emily’s brother and ending shortly before Emily’s death in 1886, outnumber
这句话的which不能修饰其紧邻的名词Susan Huntington Dickinson,必须跳过介词结构to…,修饰核心词letter
Unlike most other mergers in the utility industry, which have been driven by the need to save money and extend companies’ service areas, the merger of the nation’s leading gas company and leading electric company is intended to create a huge network for marketing the utilities in question as states open their utility markets to competition.
这句话的which不能修饰其紧邻的名词utility industry,必须跳过介词结构in…,修饰核心词merger
In order to protect English manufacturers of woolen goods against both American and Irish competition, England

passed the Woolens Act of 1698, which prohibited the export of woolen cloth beyond a colony's borders.
这里的which不能修饰紧邻的1698,必须跳过介词结构of 1968修饰前面的核心词act。有人这里会说这不是A of Bwhich吗?which应该紧邻修饰啊?其实不然,因为of 1968和前面的那些A of B实际上用法不一样,这里是表示时间而不是从属关系。这个时间应该归在介词结构一类,所以要跳过。
One pervasive theory explains the introduction of breakfast cereals in the early 1900s as a result of the growing number of automobiles, which led to a decline in horse ownership and a subsequent grain glut
Glut n. (商品)供过于求;大量
The Forbidden City in Beijing
, from which the emperors ruled by heavenly mandate, was a site which no commoner or foreigner could enter without permission, on pain of death.
on pain of违者以论处
Originally developed for detecting air pollutants, a
technique called proton-induced X-ray emission, which can quickly analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it, is finding uses in medicine, archaeology, and criminology.
(A) Originally developed for detecting air pollutants, a technique called proton-induced X-ray emission,
which can quickly analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it,
(B) Originally developed for detecting air pollutants, having the ability to analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it, a technique called proton-induced X-ray emission
(C) A technique originally developed for detecting air pollutants, called proton-induced X-ray emission,
which can quickly analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it,
(D) A technique originally developed for detecting air pollutants, called proton-induced X-ray emission,
which has the ability to analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance quickly and without destroying it,
(E) A technique that was originally developed for detecting air pollutants and has the ability to analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance quickly and without destroying the substance, called proton- induced X-ray emission,
答案中which发生跳跃指代,而且emission不处于介词短语中,这句话的which不能修饰其紧邻的名词emission,必须跳过分词修饰结构called …,修饰核心词technique

注意这不是 SVO,which指代S而是called proton-induced X-ray emission分词形式做后置修饰定语。

GWD-10-Q2: GWD-11-10
Marconi’s conception of the radio was as a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private conversation; instead, it is precisely the opposite, a tool for communicating with a large, public audience.
A,Marconi’s conception of the radio was as a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private conversation; instead, it is
B,Marconi conceived of the radio as a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private conversation, but
which is
C,Marconi conceived of the radio as a tool for private conversation that could substitute for the telephone; instead, it has become
D,Marconi conceived of the radio to be a tool for private conversation, a substitute for the telephone,
which has become
E,Marconi conceived of the radio to be a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private conversation, other than what it is,
答案为C B为啥不好?

目前只见过A of B/A in Bwhich可以指代A,主要都发生在介词短语中。A选项可以我理解是因为CALLED从句表达的只是tech的另一个名字而已,本质上是同一东西,指代谁逻辑上都没有歧义。目前我找到的which强悍地跳跃,无视前面的名词的非常少,而且基本都不出现在选项中,都是未画线部分。但是,可以跳跃不是意味着必定跳跃,当which前面有很多个名词的时候,不是只要有一个正确,which就会自动地正确地指代到那个词的。相反,GMAT会优先判断这是修饰混乱。所以,最好不要有跳跃指代,如果非跳不可,最好是使用单复数区分which的指代词。

 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-7 21:17:29 | 只看该作者
受到Ron的启发,发现200. (T-3-Q14)这个例子可以写成:
Reseachers have discovered that{ A scrub jay can remember when... and tend not to ...}
A scrub jay can remember when..., reseachers have discovered, and tend not to...

-- by 会员 jetyxo (2012/6/5 10:43:05)

好久没看自己的帖子了,这么说对于这种主谓(主系)结构的插入语,我们要看他放在原文中原来的位置的时候跟其后面紧跟的成分时候搭配在一起能make sense,如果能的话,那么我们就要注意这里这个插入语会不会引起歧义或者造成意思的改变了
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