Although the term "psychopath" is popularly applied to an especially brutal criminal, in psychology it is someone who is apparently incapable of feeling compassion or the pangs of conscience.
7.og 214 although the term psychopath is popularly aplied to an especially brutal criminal in psychology it is someone who is apparently incapable of feeling compassion or the pangs of conscience.
longman里面的例句: It is precisely in reference to such functions that the issue of royal control arises. 对照本题E: it is in reference to people apparently incapable of feeling compassion or the pangs of conscience.
in reference to=with reference to (prep phrase): concerning, about, in connection with EX: I have nothing to say with reference to this question. EX: He spoke in reference to the new plan
所以放在這一題裡面,我的理解是about的意思,把(E)句的applied補回來(照OG的指示) (E) it is applied in reference to people 比較之下意思怪怪的(it is about),沒有(C)選項來的清楚。
感觉 in referrence to 时 concerning, about的意思,只能做状语,不能做表语,若作表与改变意思。
It is precisely in reference to such functions that the issue of royal control arises中,是强调句,应为,issue areises precisely in reference to functions, 所以还是做状语,与E不同。