1,句子不平行,好多人问到了,我觉得规范的是that( the rate in )personal spending in the July-September quarter would more than double
1. 我觉得本题的句子是平衡的,Retail sales rose 8/10 of 1 percent in August, intensifying expectations that personal spending in the July-September quarter would more than double the 1.4 percent growth rate in personal spending for the previous quarter.
The sentence explains the expectations that resulted from a past retail sales trend. Since expectation s look to the future but are not ye t realized, the relative clause explaining these expectations should be conditional, employing the auxiliary verb would.
A The simple past-tense verb form does not express the forward-looking sense of expectation.
B Correct. By using the verb would double, this concise sentence indicates that the expectation has not yet been realized.
C This construction is awkward, announcing the topic (personal spending) and then elaborating in a relative clause that restates this topic as it.
D Although this option is not technically wrong, it is less clear and graceful than B.
E Like option C, this sentecne is awkward and unnecessarily wordy, announcing the topic and then using an additional clause to elaborate on it.
在C/E 里 og 没提 that 限定性从句用法。难道og认可了that前可以加逗号? 另 D 说 not technically wrong, that of 指代什么?