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发表于 2012-3-22 19:50:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
首先 贴上版主bat 在一个帖子的留言

106. Marconi’s conception of the radio was as a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private conversation; instead, it is precisely the opposite, a tool for communicating with a large, public audience.
(A) Marconi’s conception of the radio was as a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private conversation; instead, it is
(B) Marconi conceived of the radio as a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private conversation, but which is
(C) Marconi conceived of the radio as a tool for private conversation that could substitute for the telephone; instead, it has become
(D) Marconi conceived of the radio to be a tool for private conversation, a substitute for the telephone, which has become
(E) Marconi conceived of the radio to be a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private conversation, other than what it is,
-- by 会员 ak007 (2011/5/15 23:50:19)

首先,关注那个同位语:a tool for private conversation; 通过OG12 Q18,我们发现:【同位语一定要紧跟它修饰的名词】。然后通过读句意,感受一下:作者说的这个a tool for private conversation本意是想修是谁?==> 是Radio而不是telephone,因此排除ABE。关于这个同位语的错误,是SC中的一个【绝对错误】。

版主大人  直接上来就把abe排除了
但素我依稀记得 在另一个帖子里看过,同位可以跳跃修

104.    El Nino, the periodic abnormal warming of the sea surface off Peru,( a phenomenon in which changes in the ocean and atmosphere combine allowing the warm water that has accumulated) in the western Pacific to flow back to the east.
(A)    a phenomenon in which changes in the ocean
and atmosphere combine allowing the warm
water that has accumulated
(B)    a phenomenon where changes in the ocean and
atmosphere are combining to allow the warm
water that is accumulating
(C)    a phenomenon in which ocean and atmosphere
changes combine and which allows the warm
water that is accumulated
(D)    is a phenomenon in which changes in the ocean
and atmosphere combine to allow the warm
water that has accumulated
(E)    is a phenomenon where ocean and atmosphere
changes are combining and allow the warm
water accumulating

该题 a 选项 El Nino, the periodic abnormal warming of the sea surface off Peru, a phenomenon 。。。
虽然由于同位部分是片断 不是完整主谓结构错了
但是og的解释 并没有指出 中间有插入语的 a选项 a phenomenon同位结构没有紧贴错误

A different variety of giant tortoise can be found on every island in the Galapagos, each with its own style of oversized dome and comically scrawny neck.
each 跳跃修饰 A different variety of giant tortoise

n,一个句子 形容名词
这种才是同位语修饰 所以要就近,不能 n +。。。,句子修饰名词

还是 我所举的例子 a different variety 。。。,each。。。 也是同位语结构

求科普同位语句型 ,苦逼的一个人窝着学的人伤不起。。。!!!

另 还有个老问题。。。关于which that 就近修饰 是修饰名词性的问题,一并求指点,如上题

Marconi conceived of the radio as a tool for private conversation that could substitute for the telephone 对

conservation也是。。。名词啊 that 修饰的是tool

Marconi conceived of the radio as a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private conversation, but which is precisely the opposite, a tool for communicating with a large, public audience.

这个which og的解释是ambiguous,虽然 ,which 可跳跃修饰

问 是不是看句子 修饰什么的像 , a tool for private conversation, 这种插入语 都直接忽略掉呢?

which 修饰 marconi 或 telephone 所以 指代不明

问题有点多 有点杂 实在蜗居太久 存的问题太多了。。。
问题一: 同位结构是什么样的
问题二,同位结构一定要就近修饰么,中间不能来点 for表目的 或者 ,插入语,?
问题三,如上题 which 就近修饰 是否也是跳开插入语
还有就是上题的that 前面也是名词。。。convention 为何不修饰就近名词呢
求nn不厌其烦 耐心回答,先谢过
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发表于 2012-4-27 13:01:37 | 只看该作者
an appositive may appear before or after any noun in a sentence. In the following example, the appositive refers to roles, the object of a preposition:

People are summed up largely by the roles they fill in society--wife or husband, soldier or salesperson, student or scientist--and by the qualities that others ascribe to them.
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