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OGQ91、92. 主语位置的指代是强指代,这一点只适用于平行结构吗?~

发表于 2012-3-21 16:54:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
OG11 Q91The Senate approved immigration legislation that would grant permanent residency to millions of aliens currently residing here and if employers hired illegal aliens they would be penalized.

(A) if employers hired illegal aliens they would be penalized

(B) hiring illegal aliens would be a penalty for employers

(C) penalize employers who hire illegal aliens

(D) penalizing employers hiring illegal aliens

(E) employers to be penalized for hiring illegal aliens


关于A选项OG解释说:The provisions are not stated in parallel ways; it is unclear whether employers or illegal aliens would be penalized

就是说they指代有歧义,可能指代employers aliensManhattan说,在平行结构中,主语位置的指代是强指代。我想问的是,这一点只适用于平行结构么?像这样的主句与从句的主语位置指代就不是强指代了么?

还有一点,我觉得C也有问题,The senate approved immigration legislation that….and (that)…..我记得这个that最好不省略的。难道是OG11中有些条款现在不适用?望NN指教~~

Q92. Despite protests from some waste-disposal companies, state health officials have ordered the levels of bacteria in seawater at popular beaches to be measured and that the results be published.

(A) the levels of bacteria in seawater at popular beaches to be measured and that the results be

(B) that seawater at popular beaches should be measured for their levels of bacteria, with the results being

(C) the measure of levels of bacteria in seawater at popular beaches and the results to be

(D) seawater measured at popular beaches for levels of bacteria, with their results

(E) that the levels of bacteria in seawater at popular beaches be measured and the results


OG说:For the sake of conciseness, that and be are not repeated.

同样,个人觉得E选项the results 前的that最好不省略。还有这里be publishedbe的省略我不大清楚,个人还是觉得不省略更加清楚。

收藏收藏 收藏收藏
发表于 2012-3-21 18:45:51 | 只看该作者
The Senate approved legislation that would grant ___ and penalize ___.
See? 标记的两部分是平行关系,所以压根就不关"that"的事儿。

逻辑问题是最主要的问题。当你读懂了这句话的意思,你就知道必须写成... would grant ___ and penalize ___

pronoun ambiguity的问题,往往伴随其他更严重的逻辑问题一起出现。所以我不会拿我眼里的pronoun ambiguity作为唯一的cutoff criteria. 但就这题来说,A确实存在pronoun ambiguity,因为逻辑上they指代employers或者aliens都make sense。要说语法,整个pronoun这部分,绝对的语法规则,有且仅有2条:
1. the antecedent must exist
2. the pronoun and its antecedent must agree in number
所以至于你说的“在平行结构中,主语位置的指代是强指代”,这仅仅是preference,或者称为统计学规律,绝不是absolute rule.
除了以上两条absolute rules,其他都靠逻辑去解决。

如果你需要一个反例,here it is
Christlers, the famous art house in London, owns several Hussains of various periods on account of having achieved an iconic status in the English art circle.
(A) on account of having
(B) on account of their having
(C) because they have
(D) because of having
(E) because it has

"还有这里be publishedbe的省略我不大清楚"
Please refer to   #747

We hold these truths to be self-evident,
that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,
that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Officials have ordered that A do X and B do Y.
这里A do XB do Y 平行,用and连接,done! 根本不关"that"的事儿

OG11 Q91The Senate approved immigration legislation that would grant permanent residency to millions of aliens currently residing here and if employers hired illegal aliens they would be penalized.

(A) if employers hired illegal aliens they would be penalized

(B) hiring illegal aliens would be a penalty for employers

(C) penalize employers who hire illegal aliens

(D) penalizing employers hiring illegal aliens

(E) employers to be penalized for hiring illegal aliens


关于A选项OG解释说:The provisions are not stated in parallel ways; it is unclear whether employers or illegal aliens would be penalized

就是说they指代有歧义,可能指代employers aliensManhattan说,在平行结构中,主语位置的指代是强指代。我想问的是,这一点只适用于平行结构么?像这样的主句与从句的主语位置指代就不是强指代了么?

还有一点,我觉得C也有问题,The senate approved immigration legislation that….and (that)…..我记得这个that最好不省略的。难道是OG11中有些条款现在不适用?望NN指教~~

Q92. Despite protests from some waste-disposal companies, state health officials have ordered the levels of bacteria in seawater at popular beaches to be measured and that the results be published.

(A) the levels of bacteria in seawater at popular beaches to be measured and that the results be

(B) that seawater at popular beaches should be measured for their levels of bacteria, with the results being

(C) the measure of levels of bacteria in seawater at popular beaches and the results to be

(D) seawater measured at popular beaches for levels of bacteria, with their results

(E) that the levels of bacteria in seawater at popular beaches be measured and the results


OG说:For the sake of conciseness, that and be are not repeated.

同样,个人觉得E选项the results 前的that最好不省略。还有这里be publishedbe的省略我不大清楚,个人还是觉得不省略更加清楚。

-- by 会员 半阙 (2012/3/21 16:54:32)

发表于 2012-3-21 18:55:33 | 只看该作者

代词指代的问题一定是从逻辑意思出发,语法上只能说有constraints(例如不可能指代不存在的东东,也不可能用it指代人,用they指代Tom),但语法绝不是deciding factor.

She has finished the first half of the task, and Mary has finished the second.
这句话,是and连接的平行结构,但从意思上我们可以读出: She绝不可能是Mary,而是另一个人。
这就是逻辑,case-by-case logic。
发表于 2012-3-21 21:58:33 | 只看该作者

代词指代的问题一定是从逻辑意思出发,语法上只能说有constraints(例如不可能指代不存在的东东,也不可能用it指代人,用they指代Tom),但语法绝不是deciding factor.

She has finished the first half of the task, and Mary has finished the second.
这句话,是and连接的平行结构,但从意思上我们可以读出: She绝不可能是Mary,而是另一个人。
这就是逻辑,case-by-case logic。

 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-22 12:10:01 | 只看该作者
The Senate approved legislation that would grant ___andpenalize ___.
See? 标记的两部分是平行关系,所以压根就不关"that"的事儿。

逻辑问题是最主要的问题。当你读懂了这句话的意思,你就知道必须写成... would grant ___andpenalize ___

pronoun ambiguity的问题,往往伴随其他更严重的逻辑问题一起出现。所以我不会拿我眼里的pronoun ambiguity作为唯一的cutoff criteria. 但就这题来说,A确实存在pronoun ambiguity,因为逻辑上they指代employers或者aliens都make sense。要说语法,整个pronoun这部分,绝对的语法规则,有且仅有2条:
1. the antecedent must exist
2. the pronoun and its antecedent must agree in number
所以至于你说的“在平行结构中,主语位置的指代是强指代”,这仅仅是preference,或者称为统计学规律,绝不是absolute rule.
除了以上两条absolute rules,其他都靠逻辑去解决。

如果你需要一个反例,here it is
Christlers, the famous art house in London, owns several Hussains of various periods on account of having achieved an iconic status in the English art circle.
(A) on account of having
(B) on account of their having
(C) because they have
(D) because of having
(E) because it has

"还有这里be publishedbe的省略我不大清楚"
Please refer to   #747

We hold these truths to be self-evident,
that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,
that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Officials have ordered that A do X and B do Y.
这里A do XB do Y 平行,用and连接,done! 根本不关"that"的事儿

OG11 Q91The Senate approved immigration legislation that would grant permanent residency to millions of aliens currently residing here and if employers hired illegal aliens they would be penalized.

(A) if employers hired illegal aliens they would be penalized

(B) hiring illegal aliens would be a penalty for employers

(C) penalize employers who hire illegal aliens

(D) penalizing employers hiring illegal aliens

(E) employers to be penalized for hiring illegal aliens


关于A选项OG解释说:The provisions are not stated in parallel ways; it is unclear whether employers or illegal aliens would be penalized

就是说they指代有歧义,可能指代employers aliensManhattan说,在平行结构中,主语位置的指代是强指代。我想问的是,这一点只适用于平行结构么?像这样的主句与从句的主语位置指代就不是强指代了么?

还有一点,我觉得C也有问题,The senate approved immigration legislation that….and (that)…..我记得这个that最好不省略的。难道是OG11中有些条款现在不适用?望NN指教~~

Q92. Despite protests from some waste-disposal companies, state health officials have ordered the levels of bacteria in seawater at popular beaches to be measured and that the results be published.

(A) the levels of bacteria in seawater at popular beaches to be measured and that the results be

(B) that seawater at popular beaches should be measured for their levels of bacteria, with the results being

(C) the measure of levels of bacteria in seawater at popular beaches and the results to be

(D) seawater measured at popular beaches for levels of bacteria, with their results

(E) that the levels of bacteria in seawater at popular beaches be measured and the results


OG说:For the sake of conciseness, that and be are not repeated.

同样,个人觉得E选项the results 前的that最好不省略。还有这里be publishedbe的省略我不大清楚,个人还是觉得不省略更加清楚。

-- by 会员 半阙 (2012/3/21 16:54:32)

-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/3/21 18:45:51)

    谢谢baby姐指点~~但我还是觉得在上面那个句子中that不省略比较好~~看OG12 Q80:
A report by the American Academy for the
Advancement of Science has concluded that much
of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to which North
Americans are exposed comes
from the incineration
of wastes.
(A) much of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to
which North Americans are exposed comes
(B) much of the currently uncontrolled dioxins that
North Americans are exposed to come
(C) much of the dioxins that are currently
uncontrolled and that North Americans are
exposed to comes
(D) many of the dioxins that are currently
uncontrolled and North Americans are exposed
to come
(E) many of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to
which North Americans are exposed come

D选项就解释说: to maintain the parallel in this construction, that would have to be repeated in the clause that North Americans are exposed to.

 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-22 12:26:04 | 只看该作者

代词指代的问题一定是从逻辑意思出发,语法上只能说有constraints(例如不可能指代不存在的东东,也不可能用it指代人,用they指代Tom),但语法绝不是deciding factor.

She has finished the first half of the task, and Mary has finished the second.
这句话,是and连接的平行结构,但从意思上我们可以读出: She绝不可能是Mary,而是另一个人。
这就是逻辑,case-by-case logic。
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/3/21 18:55:33)

发表于 2012-3-23 06:30:12 | 只看该作者
Regarding your "dioxins" question, the key problem with D is: you absolutely do NOT want to use "and"!!!!
You have to use structures like "currently uncontrolled dioxins to which Americans are exposed ...".
If you don't understand this, please be sure to check out Ron's most two recent lectures on the usage of "and".
Also see here for Ron's explanation to this question

Again, the issue is parallelism. You misunderstand the point here.
basically, it's ok to omit "that" if the sentence is still legitimately parallel without it.
for instance:
food that is nutritious for cats but that is poisonous for dogs
food that is nutritious for cats but is poisonous for dogs
food that is nutritious for cats but poisonous for dogs
all correct.

D选项就解释说: to maintain the parallel in this construction, that would have to be repeated in the clause that North Americans are exposed to.
many of the dioxins that are currently uncontrolled
这里that指代主语: the dioxins are currently uncontrolled
(many of the dioxins) that North Americans are exposed to
这里that指代宾语: North Americans are exposed to the dioxins

另外就是Ron说的,这个表达本身就不对 (many of the dioxins) that North Americans are exposed to
应该是(many of the dioxins) to which North Americans are exposed

    谢谢baby姐指点~~但我还是觉得在上面那个句子中that不省略比较好~~看OG12 Q80:
A report by the American Academy for the
Advancement of Science has concluded that much
of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to which North
Americans are exposed comes
from the incineration
of wastes.
(A) much of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to
which North Americans are exposed comes
(B) much of the currently uncontrolled dioxins that
North Americans are exposed to come
(C) much of the dioxins that are currently
uncontrolled and that North Americans are
exposed to comes
(D) many of the dioxins that are currently
uncontrolled and North Americans are exposed
to come
(E) many of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to
which North Americans are exposed come

D选项就解释说: to maintain the parallel in this construction, that would have to be repeated in the clause that North Americans are exposed to.

-- by 会员 半阙 (2012/3/22 12:10:01)

发表于 2012-3-23 06:51:51 | 只看该作者
不是说你随便逮住俩东西A和B,就能把A和B平行。就算语法上允许,逻辑上也不允许。所以不要看着平行就套结构,先从意思上分析,这两个到底能不能平行。换句话说,关注的不是外围的WHAT,而是核心的WHY. 强烈推荐Ron近期的讲课。

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

我来提个问题,为啥这里用的是"these truths",而不是"this truth"? 问题先放这里。

We hold these truths to be self-evident:
    all men are created equal
    they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights
    among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

看,之所以用"these truths",就是因为有3个bullet points,3个truths. 而非整体作为一个truth. 所以,请你再回头读这句话,你会发现,每当你读到一个"that",你头脑就知道——ok, here's the beginning of a bullet point

My friend told me that Henry loves Mary and Mary loves Henry.
Here, my friend told me one truth (one fact, one event), which is that Henry and Mary love each other. It's simply a bi-directional relationship. In other words, my brain counts "Henry loves Mary and Mary loves Henry" as a single information unit, not as two bullet points. Therefore, this sentence is essentially the following:
My friend told me     that          Henry loves Mary and Mary loves Henry.
My friend told me that (one truth).
然后在one truth里面,Henry loves Mary  和 Mary loves Henry 平行

所以说,为啥GMAT强调的是语言表达的correctness & effectiveness?
关键就是追求correctness & effectiveness. 独立宣言那个例子里,有3点信息量,听众需要在脑子里或者笔记本里记下来3个bullet points,所以就用3个that,每个that对应一格bullet point. 后面那个例子,咱聪明的大脑一听就知道,这不就是两人相爱么,就一个信息量而已,所以当然就用一个that.

Take-home lesson就是,在做题的时候,不要以什么“第2点第3点前面没有that”为由,就轻易排除选项。只需要检查:是否逻辑平行,是否语法结构平行,done!
 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-23 11:46:47 | 只看该作者
不是说你随便逮住俩东西A和B,就能把A和B平行。就算语法上允许,逻辑上也不允许。所以不要看着平行就套结构,先从意思上分析,这两个到底能不能平行。换句话说,关注的不是外围的WHAT,而是核心的WHY. 强烈推荐Ron近期的讲课。

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

我来提个问题,为啥这里用的是"these truths",而不是"this truth"? 问题先放这里。

We hold these truths to be self-evident:
    all men are created equal
    they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights
    among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

看,之所以用"these truths",就是因为有3个bullet points,3个truths. 而非整体作为一个truth. 所以,请你再回头读这句话,你会发现,每当你读到一个"that",你头脑就知道——ok, here's the beginning of a bullet point

My friend told me that Henry loves Mary and Mary loves Henry.
Here, my friend told me one truth (one fact, one event), which is that Henry and Mary love each other. It's simply a bi-directional relationship. In other words, my brain counts "Henry loves Mary and Mary loves Henry" as a single information unit, not as two bullet points. Therefore, this sentence is essentially the following:
My friend told me     that          Henry loves Mary and Mary loves Henry.
My friend told me that (one truth).
然后在one truth里面,Henry loves Mary  和 Mary loves Henry 平行

所以说,为啥GMAT强调的是语言表达的correctness & effectiveness?
关键就是追求correctness & effectiveness. 独立宣言那个例子里,有3点信息量,听众需要在脑子里或者笔记本里记下来3个bullet points,所以就用3个that,每个that对应一格bullet point. 后面那个例子,咱聪明的大脑一听就知道,这不就是两人相爱么,就一个信息量而已,所以当然就用一个that.

Take-home lesson就是,在做题的时候,不要以什么“第2点第3点前面没有that”为由,就轻易排除选项。只需要检查:是否逻辑平行,是否语法结构平行,done!
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/3/23 6:51:51)

hand signs that natives use and that appear in local rituals --> correct.
these are both that
-clauses that modify "hand signs", so the parallel structure works.
hand signs that natives use and appear in local rituals
the second of these doesn't work because the right-hand component of the parallel structure is appear in local rituals (i.e., active verb whose subject is "hand signs"). there is no verb in the left-hand side that is parallel to this, so this makes no sense.

第二个句子不是因为that而平行结构也要that,而是原本native use and appear in local rituals结构上不平行。

发表于 2012-3-23 12:56:45 | 只看该作者
那个“精华”不是我说的哈,是Ron讲的。不管是parallelism,还是comparison,核心其实都是parallelism,两方面:grammatical & logical,而在GMAT里出现的与此相关的大部分错误都是logical issue.
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