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[作文互改] 每天坚持写!Argument 131 继续求狠拍

发表于 2012-3-20 17:47:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
throughout the sw USlittle impact on customers:

only 2 % complained== 98% happy

some do not complained:not distinguish,butter refer to both

In this argument, the author asserts that the customers who are served with margarine which the replacement of butter, has had little influence by this change in all Happy Pancake House(H) restaurants located in the southwestern United States. To support the conclusion, the author involves that the complained customers only account for 2 percent which means the others are gald with the difference. Besides, the author asserts as well that some servers reports indicates that there is a number of the customers, who require the butter, accept the change without any complaint, and it is obvious that either these customers may fail to distinguish that change or they thought that both the butter and the margarine are the same to use a term of "butter".However, the argument seems to be stay in a logical construction, the author's evidence fails to prove the conclusion for the following reasons.

Firstly, the first evidence in the passage about the 2 percent is hardly to infer the conclusion. The author do not tell us that how many people participate in this survey. If the number of the people whoare of particition is not enough for a survey , the percentage of it is too vague. Further more, even the percentage of the complained people is justifiable, it cannot assert that the 98 people out of 100 are happy with it, which because the percentage is different from an exact number. The 98 is infer from the 2 percent, which is just a rate but not an real number exactly. Besides,the word before the 2 percent is too ensure to prove the conclusion, for the reason that the 2 can be a number rounded down.

Secondly, the problem of the passage is about the report of the servers. Although there is some people do not complain the change, it does not mean they are agree with the change. We cannot suggest whether these people have been told that change before they eat them. The author indicates the two probabilities of the customers apprently without any base. To analyze this question, we should firstly know how many people had been told about the change and had not, after that, how many people who had been told can not distinguish and how many can not. in the distinguished how many refer to the butter and the margarine the same.

Finally, whether the impact to the customers is big or little should be dicided by all the addition above, and the author should add more details to support his unjustifiable conclusion.

内容还不是很够!字数也不够!才400 多!重点还是看语言表达!
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-20 17:51:37 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-3-21 12:00:04 | 只看该作者
throughout the sw USlittle impact on customers:

only 2 % complained== 98% happy

some do not complained:not distinguish,butter refer to both

In this argument, the author asserts that the customers who are served with margarine which (is)the replacement of butter, has had little influence by this change in all Happy Pancake House(H) restaurants located in the southwestern United States. To support the conclusion, the author involves that the complained customers only account for 2 percent which means the others are gald with the difference. Besides, the author asserts as well that some servers reports indicates(不用复数) that there is a number of the customers, who require the butter, accept the change without any complaint, and it is obvious that either these customers may fail to distinguish that change or they thought that both the butter and the margarine are the same to use a term of "butter".However, the argument seems to be stay in a logical construction, the author's evidence fails to prove the conclusion for the following reasons.

Firstly, the first evidence in the passage about the 2 percent is hardly to infer the conclusion. The author do not tell us that how many people participate in this survey. If the number of the people whoare of particition is not enough for a survey , the percentage of it is too vague. Further more, even the percentage of the complained people is justifiable, it cannot assert that the 98 people out of 100 are happy with it, which because the percentage is different from an exact number. The 98 is infer from the 2 percent, which is just a rate but not an real number exactly. Besides,the word before the 2 percent is too ensure (ensure)to prove the conclusion, for the reason that the 2 can be a number rounded down.

Secondly, the problem of the passage is about the report of the servers. Although there is some people do not complain the change, it does not mean they are agree with the change. We cannot suggest whether these people have been told that change before they eat them. The author indicates the two probabilities of the customers apprently without any base. To analyze this question, we should firstly know how many people had been told about the change and had not, after that, how many people who had been told can not distinguish and how many can not. in the distinguished how many refer to the butter and the margarine the same.

Finally, whether the impact to the customers is big or little should be dicided by all the addition above, and the author should add more details to support his unjustifiable conclusion.

内容还不是很够!字数也不够!才400 多!重点还是看语言表达!
-- by 会员 fanny89757 (2012/3/20 17:47:39)

 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-21 17:29:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-3-21 18:22:38 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 fanny89757 (2012/3/21 17:29:00)

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