这题的状况与OG第6题类似,我前天有个帖子有解释,此处再套用. 49. The cameras of the Voyager II spacecraft detected six small, previously unseen moons circling Uranus, which doubles to twelve the number of satellites now known as orbiting the distant planet. (B) doubling to twelve the number of satellites now known to orbit 这题必须了解整个句意,大意是"Vxxx的cameras发现六颗小的,先前未曾看到过的moons在circling Uranus, 而这个发现将目前已知环绕这颗远方行星的卫星数倍增到12颗." So, 不会是moons自己去double,而是这个发现所做的. 另外,这又扯到"由轻到重"的写作方式,老美最爱.当受词补语(O.C.)较受词(O.)短时,老美会将其移至受词(O.)前,通常不会加逗号区隔,但是OG #6就有加,方便读者阅读. 所以本答案含未划线部分原句为: doubling the number of satellites now known to orbit the distant planet to twelve. the number.....->受词(O.) to twelve->受词补语(O.C.) the distant planet 其实就是指Uranus<这跟第6题有异曲同工之妙,该题将chemical irritant 代替dioxin> 希望我的理解正确清楚. |