如题,我遇见比较的题总是犯晕,不知道要比较的到底是哪部分比如此题: In 1982 the median income for married-couple families with a wage-earning wife was $9,000 more than a family where the husband only was employed. (A) a family where the husband only (B) of a family where only the husband (C) that for families in which only the husband (D) a family in which only the husband (E) those of families in which the husband only 此题选C即比较的是the midian income,可是怎么才能看出来比较的是这个而不是families??求各位大虾指教,感谢
这道题我是这样理解的: the median income for married-couple families with a wage-earning wife 中的核心词是the median income,后面的那一大堆都可以看作是对于the median income 的修饰,那么这道题就可以简化成the median income was $9,000 more than ( ), 从逻辑含义来看,“收入A比收入B多9000”,而不能说“收入A比家庭多9000”,对吧,因此比较的对象一定是收入而不是家庭了。