在CD看了好久 一直没有勇气发帖大家的背景都好牛 Finance Consulting 去美国读MBA是一直以来的梦想 希望得到大家的建议 谢谢啦 麻烦看一下我这样申请CMU Tepper或者USC有希望么?BA: 211 in Shanghai, English&Spanish Work Experience: 4 yrs in #1 Video Game company(Redwood city based)  osition: Publishing Producer(1yr in Shangai office, 3yrs in Beijing Office) GMAT: 760 TOEFL: 112 GPA: 3.0 Terrible! Recommendation from CMU Tepper alumnus to whom I directly report for the past 4 yrs
Thank you very much! but actually i worry a lot about my terrible GPA(far below average), which might be fatal, plus my atypical MBA background, Top 30 Bschool is demanding.